Ch 25: New beginning

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Anna had moved into Jacklyn's room and occasionally there'd be disagreements between them. While Jacklyn had grown up in a bustling household surrounded by a close-knit pack, Anna had been raised in a lavish palace. The disparities in their upbringings were apparent in their interactions.

Nevertheless, they were able to reconcile their differences swiftly. Despite their contrasting backgrounds, it was clear that they were destined to be together, and thus, they had to adapt to live together.

Leila would often stroll with her crutches while Dion was busy sparring with the wolves and vampires. She had become closer to the creatures and relished being in the forest enveloped by the trees.

Despite Leila's strong disapproval, Dion, accompanied by Rosaline, Ada, and Anna, along with a few pack members and Dion's soldiers, made their way towards the palace. Finally, the long-awaited day of the duel had arrived. Leila had to stay behind with the rest.

It had been a few minutes since they left and Leila was anxious. She had never seen Dion fight in a battle. Naza and Shanika comforted her, encouraging her to believe in Dion's strength.

However, it was not a question of strength to Leila. Even if Dion was the most powerful person in the world, she would still be concerned about her safety. Her feelings of love and care for Dion, ran deep.

It was the first time seeing the Palace after their departure. Dion led the way towards the gate, followed closely by the rest, with Rosaline and Anna by her side, while Ada trailed behind Rosaline.

The guards cast disapproving glances at them, clearly unhappy with the witch and werewolves being in the vampire's domain. Despite their displeasure, they were unable to take any action.

The ambience had drastically changed over time. There were no human captives left to clean up and look after the palace. Snow had begun to fall, causing the water fountain to freeze entirely. And, the once thriving garden had been completely destroyed.

The guards surrounded the visitors, intimidated by their domineering presence. Ada's eyes glowed, casting a subtle warning to the hostile vampires who were hissing at her and Naza's pack, who stood in their most formidable states. The looming threat they posed to the crumbling Kingdom was palpable.

They stood in the center of the snow-covered courtyard, facing the Elders who were waiting for them. One of the elders came forward and declared, "Hel, the harbinger of death, must come forth and the rest, depart from the courtyard."

Dion suppressed the urge to cringe at the manner in which she was addressed. She nodded at Rosaline, who acknowledged the gesture before vanishing with the rest of her group. They were scattered around the deteriorating courtyard, not too far away from Dion, keeping a close eye to the surroundings.

The Elders expressed their contentment and made known the arrival of King Jeroen. Dion maintained her position while she winced at the odor emanating from the King, who emerged from the darkness. His appearance had become rougher, with disheveled hair, an unkempt beard, and untrimmed nails.

The peculiar thing Dion noticed was the chains around his ankles and wrists. As soon as his eyes landed on Dion, he launched towards her with a menacing growl, only to be swiftly restrained by the guards gripping the chains. With a fierce glare, Dion emitted a low growl while watching the rogue King being subdued by the chains, each end held firmly by four of the strongest guards.

"Do you truly believe he's fit to be a King? Look at him!" Dion spat, directing a piercing at the elders. "He's in no position to defend his own throne!"

The Elders maintained their silence as the King erupted into a fit of laughter, pointing his finger at Dion and raged, "I am the King of Vampires! No one shall challenge me and leave this palace alive!"

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