Ch 26: Liberation

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"King Jeron lost his cwon!" The young boy exclaimed as he hurried towards his mother, who scooped him up in her arms.

A/n Cwon= Crown (baby language y'all)

The news of the new Queen had spread across great distances, causing a sense of uneasiness among the people. The former monarch had been known for his cruelty and harshness, striking fear into the hearts of all. The citizens were uncertain about the new ruler, knowing that anyone who had defeated King Jeroen must possess a ruthless streak.

The humans and the rest of the creatures who served under the former monarch were summoned by the new ruler, the Queen. They all proceeded towards the palace, keeping their heads low and holding their offsprings closed to them.

A group of fresh guards, consisting of vampires and werewolves, had taken over from the previous ones, catching the visitors off guard.

The palace was covered in a thick layer of snow, and the walls were crumbling. The guests were assembled in front of the palace, segregated into humans, werewolves, ogres, witches, and other beings.

The little boy was held tightly by his mother, who tried as much as she could to be invisible to the eyes of the predators, in hopes to avoid being preyed upon.

"Mama, look!" The young boy exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. However, his eager words were swiftly silenced by his cautious mother. A sense of dominance permeated the air as a collective of vampires, witch and werewolf emerged from the palace, positioning themselves before the assembled guests. Soon after, a human followed, who was being guided gently by the brunette.

The little boy's azure eyes swept across the vicinity, observing the individuals who stood in front of him, up the grand marble staircase. His curious eyes roamed over the women present - one with glossy black hair, intense crimson eyes, and a pale complexion emanating a strong presence.

Besides her was a lady with dreadlocks with deep hazel eyes, a blonde woman with shimmering golden eyes and sleekly styled hair, who was holding hands with a woman of ombre skin tone and deep brown eyes. In addition to the vampire positioned in the center, a redhead woman with inviting brown eyes, stood nearby, leaning on crutches.

"Woah!" He whispered in amazement, overwhelmed by their divine presence. Meanwhile, the elders stayed fearful, but the young children's curiosity never wavered.

Upon noticing the unusual presence of other creatures standing on the same level as the new Queen of Vampires, murmurs erupted among the aristocratic vampires and the lower-ranking ones. Gossips of disapproval and madness permeated the palace.

One of the high-ranking guards let out a thunderous roar, commanding silence from everyone present. Dion carefully observed the surroundings, taking note of the individuals standing in front of her.

She observed that the creatures deliberately avoided making eye contact with her, while the innocent children stared at her and her companions in awe. She gave them a gentle smile, and some blankly stared back, holding on to their guardians' cloth while a few giggled at her.

Dion couldn't help but chuckle softly at their innocence, feeling her chest swell with affection as she observed how sweet children can be. They were pure, curious and most of all, brave.

She turned to her lover, giving her a gentle smile and held her warm hand. "I, am Dion Leeve, the newly crowned Queen of the Vampires," she declared, turning her attention to the beings.  Her stern voice caused some of them to shiver, while others whimpered.

"And, I am going to alter the rules, commencing at this very moment, in the presence of all the beings who were once under the reign of the former King, Jeroen."

Dion's new set of rules were promptly met with disapprovals from the elite vampire community. According to the newly implemented rules, any vampire caught preying on humans would be subjected to punishment, regardless of their social standing. Blood was to be obtained with the consent of humans, rather than forcibly taken. Additionally, witches were prohibited from using their powers to harm innocent beings, whether they were alive or deceased.

All creatures, including humans, were bound by the rules that prohibited them from exploiting the powers of other creatures. Any individual found guilty of such actions would face punishments under the new law. The emphasis was on fostering a harmonious coexistence among all beings.

The elites dared to threaten the new Queen, to take it to the Elders, only to receive a warning of death from Dion's guards. Dion, Naza, and Rosaline were already aware of the consequences they would face and were ready for them. The Elders refrained from interfering with the regulations, offering no resistance.

The infamous vampires, notorious for their misuse of authority, had no choice but to comply with the regulations, or else they would lose their titles and be exploited by the soldiers for unsavory assignments.

Slavery was also deemed punishable, and during Queen Dion's reign, all enslaved individuals were to be emancipated and provided with refuge. Her command extended to her guards and all other beings, who were instructed to help in building settlements throughout the Kingdom, without any division based on their species.

Naza, the mightiest alpha, was selected to lead alongside Dion, the Queen of the vampires. Several werewolves had sought to join Naza's pack and were welcomed. The less dominant packs fell under Naza's leadership and in conjunction with other packs, they commenced working together as a single entity.

Rosaline was chosen to command Dion's vast army, which included vampires, werewolves, witches, ogres, and others. She rose to become the Queen's most trusted advisor. Meanwhile, Ada welcomed the witches who sought her guidance, mentoring them with care. She also welcomed a group of witches, and along with a few werewolves with their keen senses, she had begun to start searching for Jeroen.

Leila was honoured and carefully safeguarded as the Queen's dearly beloved. And, none dared to cast a glance at the woman. Dion gifted Leila the royal garden, a gesture she graciously received, and together with a few others, they undertook the responsibility of restoring the garden to its former glory.

Anna made the choice to remain in the palace as a member of the royal family, securing a prominent position in the hierarchy, and she was determined to not allow Jacklyn to leave her side. Naza eventually gave up on convincing Anna of Jacklyn's importance in the pack, losing to her stubbornness and arrogance.

The high class vampires and those who opposed the Queen strongly, were kept a closed eye on and they were being monitored.

The arrival of the new Queen ushered in a fresh wave of optimism. In an instant, the bleak winter, which had seemed so dreary, transformed into the dawn of a promising new age, illuminating the beings who at last savoured the first hints of freedom.

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