Ch 30: Grim

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Naza's heart sank as she returned to the place she called home, only to find her pregnant wife laying on the cold marble floor of the palace, her condition dire after being struck by a powerful spell that had engulfed the land.

Rushing to her side, Naza cradled her beloved, feeling a surge of anguish and anger watching her wife drift in and out of consciousness. Naza's heart swelled with relief to find that her wife was unharmed. However, her son was missing.

With every ounce of strength, Ada vowed to break the malevolent enchantment gripping their kingdom. With the aid of a few remaining conscious witches, Ada tirelessly battled against the malevolent spell that had plagued their kingdom.

The air around them felt thick with exhaustion, each breathing a struggle against the weight of their efforts.

Through the combined power of their magic, Ada and her allies eventually succeeded in bringing down the darkness, casting light back into the realm.

As the spell's grip loosened, hope flickered anew, and Ada felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that her efforts had not been in vain. With the threat vanquished, Ada and the witches collapsed onto the floor, their bodies weary and minds heavy with fatigue, exhausted and drained from the relentless battle against the oppressive spell.

"Kleo," Naza muttered, her body on the verge of shifting into her wolf form as she cradled her wife in her embrace, questioning, "Where is Kleo?" Her fangs elongated, her hazel eyes ablaze, and her fur becoming denser by the moment.

As Shanika's voice wavered with exhaustion, she struggled to convey reassurance amidst her fading consciousness. "He's okay," she mumbled softly, her words barely audible.

"He's with our pack... in the forest," With those last whispered words, Shanika succumbed to the overwhelming fatigue, her body finally finding respite in slumber.

After a moment, Naza's entire body became rigid, her eyes grew wider, and her heart started pounding rapidly, feeling a bond breaking. Moments later, a piercing cry of anguish echoed through the air.

Naza swiftly transformed into her final form and sprinted towards the origin of the sound, her heart racing as she navigated the ruins of the palace.

Upon entering Anna's room, she found her on the floor, staring blankly ahead and Dion pinning Jeroen against the wall, his head smashed in and his body motionless. The Queen's lips were stained with blood, her crimson eyes reflecting the anguish and rage coursing through her.

In the dimly lit room, the air was heavy with the metallic scent of blood. Splatters of crimson stained the walls, floor, and furniture, painting a gruesome tableau of violence. The once pristine carpet is now soaked in a pool of red, while overturned furniture and shattered glass bear witness to the struggle that unfolded.

As Naza followed her eyes to where Anna was staring, her heart dropped.
With each step closer, her heart clenched tighter, and the weight of the scene pressed down on her chest, making it difficult to breathe.

Every fiber of her being yearned for vengeance, for justice, as she knelt beside the lifeless figure lying on the ground with the waist detached from the abdomen.

She approached Jacklyn's lifeless form on the floor. Her most cherished companion, Jacklyn, laid there, her azure eyes now bloodshot.

Naza's gaze shifted from the grisly scene to Anna, who sat nearby, her bloodshot crimson eyes fixed on her mate's lifeless face. In that haunting moment, the shattered fragments of their hopes and dreams lay strewn across the room, an unbearable weight pressing down on their hearts.

Before the tragedy, Anna and Jacklyn were filled with joy and anticipation, their hearts brimming with excitement at the prospect of becoming mothers to their twins. They shared tender moments of affection and dreams of the future, their love for each other and their unborn children shining brightly.

However, tragedy struck, tearing Anna's world apart. The devastating loss of Jacklyn, the love of her life, left Anna reeling in anguish and disbelief.

The once bright future they envisioned together was cruelly ripped away, leaving behind a void of despair and heartache. The devastating loss left Anna's dreams shattered, her life forever altered by tragedy.

The journey that began with such hope and promise had ended in a nightmare from which she could never awaken.

Tears streamed down Naza's cheeks, leaving streaks of sorrow on her fur. The pain of losing one of her important pack members, her family, mingled with the searing anger coursing through her veins, consuming her from within.

Dion, upon noticing Naza's presence, released Jeroen from her tight grip and kicked him towards her, who was advancing towards them slowly.

The madman's unkempt hair and beard resembled wild tangles of underbrush. Strands of hair jut out in every direction, framing his gaunt face, while his beard, matted and tangled, hanging in uneven clumps around his chin, was drained in dried blood.

His eyes, wild and frenzied, dart about with manic intensity, betraying the turmoil that rages within his troubled mind. Behind the veil of tangled hair, his features contort into a grotesque mask of madness, twisted by the weight of his deranged thoughts.

In his disheveled state, the madman exudes an aura of otherworldly strangeness-a living embodiment of chaos and disorder. His presence was unsettling, his every movement unpredictable and erratic, as if guided by forces beyond mortal comprehension.

With a primal growl that echoed through the palace, Naza's fury reached its breaking point. Without hesitation, she surged forward, her muscles coiled with raw power as she lunged towards Jeroen.

In one swift motion, she grabbed him by the neck, her fangs digging deep into his spine, rendering him motionless as she dragged him towards the window.

With a final burst of strength, Naza jumped through the shattered glass, the wind whipping past them as they plummeted towards the ground below.

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