Ch 10: Dark grey apron

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Rosaline had her right arm sewed back and in no time, it healed. Hel along with Rosaline had captured a few other creatures after Rosaline convinced her to spare them because they seemed to be of worth to the Kingdom.

Even though Hel was vigorous, she lacked experience so from time to time, she'd spar with Naza. They had been working together for years by now. Hel had somewhat accepted Naza into her legion after she submitted to her, and even so, she considered her to be of the same rank as Rosaline, not lower.

A/N to avoid confusion, let me remind you that Dion goes by Hel now.

Naza worked along side them. She had no choice but to follow them and assist them when needed. Somehow, Rosaline became close to Naza being a somewhat nice person. She treated every creature with respect but, Hel was having problems with them. Rosaline couldn't see Dion anymore, she was upset but she still had hope.

King Jeroen wasn't particularly happy with what his right hand was doing. He knew she was strong but, she wouldn't challenge him so he used her to do his dirty deeds, sending her far off to capture lands and properties of other creatures. The King had become indolent, his associates becoming ill at ease.

Naza's rest of the pack's lives were let to live by Hel, after listening to Rosaline. Even though she had become a heartless brute, Rosaline held a place in her life. She reminded her of Denise and she couldn't ignore her.

Ever since Hel stepped out of the palace, she hasn't been back inside at all. The King kept giving orders after orders, not giving them a chance to rest. This had caught up to the soldiers. Some of them had families and they wanted to go back to them. Naza was one of them, she missed her mate and it showed. She wasn't focusing well and she'd make mistakes from time to time.

Over all, the army had become less efficient. Hel noticed it and so did Rosaline. After meeting strange creatures and seeing the world, Hel had become a bit benign. Naza, Rosaline and Hel had become inseparable. Being far away from the cursed palace helped Hel get back to her feet and see the world for the second time.

They were taking shelter in a far away forest, filled with different specimens. Hel sat on a tree stump while Rosaline was on the lookout, standing on the thick branch of a large tree. Naza was pacing back and forth anxiously and it was irking Hel.

"What is it?" the brunette questioned the dread head, looking at her irritated.

"I need my mate, I need to see her...I.. fuck, I can't do this anymore," Naza snivelled, turning towards Hel and looked into her eyes desparately. She wanted to go home.

"You can't. Yet," Hel spoke sternly, leading to an exasperated whimper, which made the brunette roll her eyes.

Naza continued to poke Hel while the later chose to ignore for the most part. On hearing the squabble, Rosaline jumped down to the ground and approached the stubborn fellows.

"Dion, I believe it's time to talk about it. We need to do something," Rosaline folded her arms and stared at the woman sitting. Naza gave the blonde woman her puppy eyes and if she was in her wolf form, she'd be wagging her tail.

Naza would often wonder why Rosaline would call her Dion and not Hel. Maybe it's a nickname she gave her. She assumed.

"Look, you're a bunch of vampires and I don't expect you to understand our bond. But, I need to go back to my mate. It's driving me insane... I can't sleep, I can't breathe and I can't eat anymore. She's my soul. Without her, I'm useless to you," Naza exhaled, begging both of them.

Hel watched her. She knew she wasn't lying to them. She could notice how much it was affecting her. She sighed, "Alright. Let's talk."

The creatures gathered around the tree stump as they decide what to do. The vampires weren't keen on disobeying their King but, they missed their family. They had become desparate. Even though Hel wasn't particularly fond of vampires herself, she listened to them.

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