Another Office 'Talk'

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It's still early but I know Tom is normally awake early enough. I just don't know if he'll be ready for me.

Maybe I should of asked a time but then I did just flee out of his office so there really wasn't much opportunity.

Will he hate me for leaving on him?


(Tom's pov)

I have been sat in my office waiting for Y/n for the last hour.

What if she doesn't come? She has to.

I don't really sleep but when I do it barely classes as sleep. It's never for long either. I have just learned to function with practically no sleep. It's not ideal but it works so who am I to complain?

She didn't give me a time but from what I can remember about her from when we were younger she always woke up really early.

Every morning, when she stayed the night at mine, she'd always be the first one to join me in the living room.

It was nice.

It felt like we were stealing hidden secret moments together.

There was never anything between us.

We were just two kids who bonded at stupid o'clock every morning for years.

I was deep down hoping she would come earlier so we'd be able to spend more time together but I didn't really know what to expect.

Trying to pass time, I picked up a stack of assignments that needed grading. 

They were Y/n's class' assignments.

I flicked through them all quickly marking them til I found Y/n's. I could tell it was hers by the handwriting. 

The way it had been written was perfect.

I had no doubt she would pass without any help.

The entire assignment was perfect, just like she was.

I was stuck in a trance looking for any possible flaw but I couldn't find one. I could never find a flaw with her overall either. It was strange.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my office door.

I got my hopes up but tried to suppress the feeling cause there was a high chance it might not be her.

But when I opened the door and saw her, I could of fainted.

The way she was dressed was everything. She looked stunning in that dress. God knows how I'll be able to keep myself under control when she is dressed like that but I can try. Likely won't be a successful attempt but is anything I do normal around her?

"Come in,..doll." I open the door wider to let her step past me.


(Y/n's pov)

Doll? Well that's a nickname I've never been called before. I like to though but only from his mouth. The way he says words to me is intoxicating.

They draw me in. Make me want to hear more.

There's a clock above his desk in his office. The time is now quarter to 12 and I'm feeling a little peckish but at the same time I don't want to leave. Not this time.

I left last time and I spent all of last night regretting it. Now, I have to make up for it.

Good news is he doesn't look mad at me for what I did last night.

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