Tutoring Triumphs, Transactions, and Tensions

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I've been tutoring Regina for three weeks now, and it seems my efforts are making a difference. Our routine involves meeting every Tuesday and Thursday after school. We head straight to her house, tackle the class topics and any additional challenges she's facing, and then she works on her homework. If she encounters any difficulties, I guide her through and sometimes change up the question so that she understands. After that, Ms Norbury gave me past tests to go through with Regina.

For most of our session, we work at the dining table so there are no distractions and we take frequent breaks so I don't overload Regina with too much information. Once we've done all the work and we get to the test, we head up to Regina's bedroom. When we finish going through the test, we end up talking and making out for a while.

On this Thursday, as Regina takes a bathroom break, Mr. George enters the dining room, having just returned home. We've exchanged brief conversations before, given my role as Regina's tutor. I stand up quickly and extend my hand, "Hi Mr. George, how was work?" He firmly shakes my hand, acknowledging, "Y/n, firm grip as always! Work was the usual, how've you two been doing?" I smile, retracting my hand, "Thank you, sir. We've been doing well. I've noticed a big difference in Regina's work and attitude. She seems to be understanding much better in these few weeks. I'm very happy."

"I'm glad you've been able to make such a difference for my baby girl," he says, smiling. I nod, "Well, she seems eager to learn, and she's been working very hard with me and in class too." Mr. George smiles again, "Listen, you've been very helpful, and I feel that you should be compensated for your time here. I'd like to pay you from here on out. How does $80 per session sound?"

I'm taken aback and chuckle in surprise, "That is very generous sir, but I assure you, I don't expect to be paid for this. I'm just happy to help your daughter truly." He nods slightly, "That's nice Y/n, but I can't let you continue to do this for free. If you won't take $80, would you take $60?"

I laugh lightly, "Sir, really, it's too much. I won't take your money. I truly just enjoy helping and spending time with Regina." At that moment, Regina walks in, teasingly saying, "Gross, I hope you're not going around telling everyone that you like spending time with me. People can't know that I'm likeable to nerds!" She sits down at the table with a smile.

"Regina! That is no way to talk to-" She laughs, and I turn back to Mr. George with a smile, "It's okay sir. She's joking. Now, if you'll excuse us, we've still got some work to do." I turn to Regina, "and I believe we were about to head upstairs. Right, Regina?" She seems lost in thought for a moment, then quickly grabs her stuff and stands, "Right, yes. Upstairs! Let's go. See you at dinner, dad."

I smile at Mr. George, grabbing my things from the table. "Are you going to be staying for dinner Y/n? We will have plenty." I shake my head passing the man, "No, thank you, sir. I'm quite alright." He clears his throat, "Very well. If you're sure. Think about my offer, and if you change your mind, we can have a plate for you prepared." I nod, "Sure, thanks, Mr. George."

As Regina and I make our way up to her room, the atmosphere seems slightly awkward. She glances at me, her expression curious and a bit contemplative. Once inside her room, she closes the door behind us, and it's just the two of us.

"So, what was that all about downstairs?" Regina inquires, her tone more serious than usual. I hesitate for a moment, gauging how much I should share. "Your dad, he offered to pay me for tutoring you," I confess, trying to keep it casual.

Regina's eyes widen in surprise. "Seriously? My dad wants to pay you? That's so... weird," she remarks, a hint of confusion in her voice. I nod, "Yeah, he mentioned it, but I declined. I don't think it's necessary; I genuinely enjoy helping you out."

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