Whispers, Woes, and Wickedness

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I love Janis' shirt in this scene

Earlier that day

[Cady pov] boo!

If we can make Gretchen Weiners think Regina is mad at her... If we crack her open maybe she'll spill something we can use!

Janis' words have been swirling around in my mind for days now. I don't want to do that to Gretchen, she's fragile. I'm slightly excited because bought a candy cane gram for Y/n this morning. I really hope she got one for me too.

At lunch, I walk into the cafeteria and see Y/n sitting with Damian and Janis at their table. Y/n isn't paying attention to her sister and friend though, she's on her phone and smiling her cute goofy smile that I don't get to see very often. 

When I sit with the plastics, Gretchen and Karen are talking and Regina isn't paying attention to them either. It's not unusual for Regina to ignore them but she's smiling a genuine smile while on her phone which is odd. 

"Hey Regina, are you sending any candy canes this year?" I ask her. "Huh?" the blonde questions half looking up from her phone, "Oh. I don't send them, I just get them," she says with a soft chuckle, looking me up and down quickly before turning back to her phone.

I half listen to Gretchen and Karen's conversation while pushing my food around on the tray. I keep looking at Regina on her phone and she quietly giggles at something. I turn around to look at Y/n who is also giggling and blushing. It's almost like they're texting each other.

Oh my god, what if they are texting each other? I immediately stand from the table and speed walk out of the cafeteria and through the halls I don't even want to imagine the possibility of Regina and Y/n together, picturing them together is the most horrific sight, and I've watched a snake eat a cow!

Sorry Gretchen, I swear we'll get our party now. This revenge party is stepping up to the next level. "One candy cane please," I state to the girl sitting at the table. Once I've paid and written the note from Regina to myself, I head to my next class early.

During class, Damian comes in dressed as Santa and hands out the candy cane grams. When he's done he quickly says, "Aand none for Gretchen Weiners, bye," before making a swift exit. I'm a little sad when I only get the one candy cane from fake Regina but now is not the time to be sad.

"Who sent that?" Gretchen asks turning to me. I fiddle with the ribbon while responding, "Oh, it's from Regina." I turn the card so she can see it before turning it back to read it with a smile. "Thanks for being such a great best friend. Aww." "Oh!" The redhead says through a fake smile and she whispers to herself, "Okay."

After class, Gretchen drags me to the bathroom and makes sure no one is in there before turning to me with a smile, "If you and Regina are best friends now, then you can be in charge of keeping all her secrets, okay?" she states matter-of-factly.

"For example, she gave you those high-heeled shoes just to make fun of you because she knew you wouldn't be able to walk in them, sorry! Also, she says she has a nose job but that's just to distract from the fact that she had one of her ears moved! Also, she's totally dumb! Yeah, every Tuesday and Thursday she says she's busy but she's actually got that loser nerd Y/n Imi'ike at her house teaching her math!"

Jeez Gretch, take a breath! "She's been in love with that weirdo since the third grade not that she'll ever admit it! She thinks that I don't know about her little tutoring sessions, but I do and I never told anyone because I am such a good friend!"

And there it is, everything I need from Gretchen to absolutely ruin Regina's reputation, good thing I decided to record this, now I have proof for Janis and Damian.

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