Waiting, Wholefoods, and Whipped Cream

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Knock knock. Who's there? Smut warning! Marked with "𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪" if you don't feel comfortable reading

Regina and I ended up making pancakes but instead of making big ones, we made heaps of small ones using the cookie cutters to make them in Christmas shapes for some extra fun. While I was in charge of the pancakes, Regina was in charge of cooking up bacon and sausages, and we prepared the fruit with Kylie's help before we started cooking otherwise the rest of the food would get cold.

As we sit at the table, Kylie grabs my attention from the opposite side of the table, "Could you just live with us Y/n?" she asks seriously. I choke on my drink as Regina chuckles and places her hand on my thigh, "Kylie, you're gonna scare the poor girl away if you say things like that! Y/n's only been my girlfriend for like two months, she is not moving in with us."

The younger blonde nods at her sister and starts to eat her breakfast. "May I ask why you want me to live with you guys Kylie?" I ask her curiously. "You make the best food and you're nicer to me than Gretchen is," she states with a mouth full of food.

"Karen tries to be nice to me but Gretchen always takes her attention off of me and that other girl, she's a bit weird, I don't even know if she knows I exist,"  I frown at the girl across from me and squeeze my girlfriend's hand that's still on my thigh. "Plus, you're here all the time anyway so it just makes sense so Regina or my mom don't have to take you home 'cause you'd already be here," Kylie adds matter-of-factly and Regina and I laugh at that last part.

Regina keeps eating her food as I acknowledge everything Kylie brought up, "Well, you bring up a lot of great points Kylie. I'm glad you like the food that I make for you guys, I really enjoy cooking and it's even more fun to teach your sister how to cook too. It's a great skill to have," I say before taking a bite of my breakfast.

"Can you teach me to cook too? I'd really love to help!" the twelve-year-old states excitedly. "Of course! Now, as for Gretchen, Karen and Cady, I get that it's hard and kinda annoying having people that ignore you and get others to ignore you too, I've had to deal with that a lot too," I state empathetically and both blondes nod sincerely.

"But if you're always nice to people and treat them the way you'd want to be treated, eventually other people will realise that they're the asshole, because if you're an asshole to people who are assholes to you, then the people around them and around you will think you're both assholes." the younger girl laughs at what I said but agrees with what I'm saying.

I chew my food before continuing, "I might be here all the time and don't get me wrong, I really like being here with you guys but I like being with my family and with Janis especially with next year being our last year of high school, it's gonna be a busy year and then I'll be going to college and I might not get to see my family as much during that time," I explain.

"That's okay, I like having you around but I understand wanting to be with your sister and parents too," the younger girl says, going back to her breakfast and dropping the conversation. The rest of breakfast goes over smoothly, just the three of us eating in comfortable silence.

When we're finished, Kylie offers to help me wash up and Regina stays sitting at the kitchen island on her phone while we do so.


Regina and I are currently walking around some random grocery store, like Wholefoods or something, that's like an hour away from home because we want to get stuff for dinner as well as some snacks, Christmas cookies are just too much after a while and you need something else to snack on.

"Baby, what else do we need?" Regina calls from further down an aisle while I push the cart. "Well, so far we have spaghetti, five cans of whipped cream, why so much, I don't know, and graham crackers. So, everything," I say smugly with a smirk, looking at the girl and then at the near-empty cart.

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