Sleepovers, Sisters, and Sugar Mommies

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2 weeks ago

[Cady pov]

Janis, Damian and I are trying to think of more ways to mess with Regina but we haven't got very far. I can't help but think something is going on between Y/n and Regina but Janis and Damian don't seem to know anything about it. Janis hasn't even mentioned anything about what I told her after the Halloween party.

I know that Janis spoke to her sister after what I told her so I know she thinks that either I'm lying or Y/n is. Either way, no one's said anything. I made sure that Regina wasn't planning anything with me this weekend so that I could have a sleepover with Janis and Damian.

Here we are in Janis' garage, on Saturday, hanging out. "Hey, Janis?" The shorter girl looks over to me from her dad's record collection. "What's up, Cady?" she asks before flicking through the albums again. "Where's your sister? Is she around?"

Damian just laughs from his place lying on the ground and throwing and catching a ball. "Girl, get over yourself. Y/n wouldn't know if someone was flirting with her if it hit her in the face! I fear that girl will never leave her room."

"Actually, she's gone into the city today. She's not here," Janis says reading the back of a record. I frown slightly and Damian gasps slightly, sitting up. "Did the library not have the book she wanted? She only goes into the city if it's someone's birthday otherwise."

I laugh lightly, my expression not changing and zone out of the conversation my two friends are having. When I come back, Janis is standing in front of me, there's music playing and she's holding a record in front of me.

"Cady, I'm not sure if you know any Jimi Hendrix but this is his album Electric Ladyland. This first song is ...And the Gods Made Love, my favourite track is Voodoo Child (Slight Return) but seriously, this album is the tits!"

I nod along while Janis talks but I can't help my mind wandering back to Y/n. I wonder why she went into the city. Is she going to the library? Is it someone's birthday? I didn't think she was friends with anyone apart from Damian and her sister. Is she really going into the city?

Is she going on a date with someone? No! She doesn't talk to anyone at school. No one at school would ask her out. She'll just have to wait 'til I can work up the courage to ask her out. I just need to do it quick. Before I can do that, I have to figure out a way to do it without the Plastics finding out, Regina would kill me if she found out I was going to go out with a nerd like Y/n.

"Cady, are you listening?" Janis snaps me out again. "What? Oh. Uh, no, sorry. What's up?" Damian sighs dramatically. "We were saying that we need to figure out what we're gonna do next to really mess with Regina. Do you have any ideas?"

I think for a second, "I don't know. I guess we could give her the Kälteen bars. She's like obsessed with losing three pounds. I could try and convince her this week?" Damian giggles. "Yes, it's perfect. If you give them to her this week, she shouldn't put on too much weight that her homecoming dress doesn't fit. It won't be obvious 'til after then."

Janis sighs, "I don't know you guys. I don't think it's a good idea to mess with somebody's body. You know?" Damian furrows his brows at the girl's statement. "Girl, are you unwell? You hate Regina, what do you care about messing with her body? It was your idea to crush up the bars into her food, was it not?"

Janis shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "All I'm saying is it can be seriously damaging to mess with someone's body like that. Now, can we please move on to something else? Please." Damian eyes the girl up and down suspiciously. "Anyway, Homecoming is two weeks away. We all know that Regina will be winning Homecoming Queen as much as I wish it was Isabella Ceupens or Sophia Rodriguez. Could we do something about that?"

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