The Rescue (2023)

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It's been over an hour and Maggie isn't back. I'm starting to worry. What if she passed out or got lost? All the possibilities run through my mind. I force myself to calm down, it took us a while to get here. Maggie is exhausted, she probably had to stop to take a break.

I look over at Debbie, she still hasn't said anything. It's weird, she had so much to say earlier. Now that she's the one tied up it's quiet. I hope she stays in prison forever. It's the least she deserves.

June has been dozing in and out of sleep on my shoulder. I don't see how she could sleep at a time like this, but I guess she's used to it. Me being here probably gives her comfort in a way she hasn't had in a year.

Another hour passes, and still no Maggie. Maybe I made the wrong decision sending her. I should've gone. I can't wait any longer! I'm just going to have to take Debbie and June with me. Just as I start to get up the door opens.

"Maggie?!" I say.

"Yeah, it's me." Maggie says, there's a small smile on her lips. I take it the van is working.

"It turned on?" I ask.

Maggie only smiles further, "no."

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"I found another ride." Maggie says. What is she talking about? Just then Maggie comes into the room all the way. I can see something behind her. No, not something. Someone!

"Jalen!" I say, June's head is still on my shoulder. All this noise should've woken her up. I look down and see her eyes shut. "June!" I shake her. She doesn't wake up. I look up at Jalen and Maggie. They look worried.

Jalen comes running over. Debbie whips her legs out. I try to warn him, but it's too late. Jalen falls on his face, Debbie only looks over and smiles. Jalen gets up and knocks Debbie's legs away.

"You'll regret that Debbie!" Jalen yells.

I look back at June. She still hasn't woken up. I take her shoulders into my arms and lay her down. "JUNE!"

Maggie comes over and checks her pulse, "It's still there. Henry, don't worry, she's alive. I think she just passed out."

I pick her up and place her in my lap. Pushing the hair from her face, "June? June if you can hear me fight! Fight to stay alive June!" I beg. "I can't lose you again!"

Jalen gets on one knee and looks at me, "I called the cops on the way over, they should be here anytime."

As if Jalen signaled them, three cops come running in. They shine their flashlights on us and say something into their radios.

All I can do is cry out, "Help! Please! She won't wake up!"

The closest cop comes running over and grabs June from my arms. They check her pulse and look for any wounds. Another cop looks at Debbie, "Is she the one who brought y'all down here?"

"Yeah." Maggie answers.

The cop grabs Debbie's arm and forces her up, "let's go!"

Maggie and Jalen follow the cop who has Debbie out. They tell me to come on, but I refuse. I can't leave June's side. The cop sees I won't budge and allows me to walk beside him. The whole way back all I can do is pray June doesn't die.

What feels like an eternity later we reach the ladder. One of the cops goes up first, followed by Debbie, then another cop. Maggie goes up next, Jalen right behind her. I make my way up and fall to the ground when I make it out. Feeling the wind is nice. I was afraid to be stuck in that cave forever. I stand up and look around. The cop who has June is coming up now. He put June over his shoulder and is climbing with one hand.

I can see Debbie from the corner of my eye. The cop is cutting the rope from her feet and hands, placing her in handcuffs. After he goes over her rights Debbie looks over at me and smiles. I look away, I wouldn't give her the time of day ever again. Once everyone is out of the tunnel the cops announce we all need to go to the hospital. We all begin walking towards their cars.

"I need to pee." Debbie says, it's been so long since she has talked I think I imagined it.

"You can use the restroom in the hospital." The officer replies.

"No, I'm using it now." Debbie says, I look over and see a dark stain growing on her pants.

"Eh!" The cops holding her responds, loosening his grip. Debbie takes her opportunity and starts running. She runs right by Jalen and he only sticks up his leg. Debbie falls on her face and grunts.

"Didn't I say you would regret it?" Jalen says, in a harsh tone. The cops come over and yank Debbie back up.

No one wanted to ride with the officer who had Debbie, so we all loaded into one car. June was still passed out, so the cop sped to the hospital. We were taken in through the emergency entrance. I tried to stay by June's side, but she was rushed into a room to be looked over. I was given a quick check up and they determined I do have a concussion. I have to stay at least a day, so they can check my vitals after such a traumatic event.

My mom rushed to the hospital as soon as I called. She told me she had been worried sick all night. I told her I was ok and explained everything. When I told her June was alive she almost passed out. I couldn't blame her. Shock has been the only thing keeping me from going crazy. Once it wears off I don't know how I will react. 

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