Chapter 1

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OML I just had a shot of espresso and now I'm jittery af lol let's go!


Wrapping his arms around her waist Han whispers, "사랑해요..."

Whipping aro- *Click*

"YAH, I was still watching that!" I turned to see my rather annoying older brother Logan start into yet another one of his 'The Plot was ✨SO✨ Predictable' rants.

"Come on! You could totally see that coming! One of the worst K-dramas I've seen..."

I knew all too well he could go on forever, so I decided to let him rant while I popped in my earbuds and listened to some of my favorite songs. Of course all of the songs were from Stray Kids, the best K-pop group in my opinion. I wish I could go to just one concert...

Just then my best friend, Jordan, texts me, 'Y/N. You're never going to believe this!'

I couldn't sit there not knowing so I quickly responded, 'Yah, girl there's a lot I would never believe... what is it?!'

'SKZ IS DOING A TOUR IN LA' I think my brain just short circuited. There's no way I read that correctly. Stray kids. In LA. There's no way I would miss this!


I started looking up the dates to see how much each ticket would cost. I realized I had enough money to go and buy some official merch while I was there!

'No way Jordiiiii! I have enough to go! And buy Quokka AND get a light-stick😆😆😆😆'

Just then my screen light up playing 'Question' by Stray Kids. I immediately knew who was calling me.

"Yeoboseyo," I answered

"Ah, anyo Unnie," Those were the last calm words out of her mouth... "Eeeeeekkk I CAN'T BELIEVE WE"RE GOING TO A SKZ CONCERT TOGETHER!"

"OW! YAH JORDI LET ME TURN MY EARBUDS DOWNNNN," I cried out in pain and annoyance.

"Oh, oops hehe, sorry Y/nie~," more innocent giggles came over the line, "I'm just so excited!"

"Me too Jordi!"

"Me three," came a faint shout over the phone.

"Haha, is Sadie there too," I laughed over the phone.

"Ne~," was the short reply from Jordan.

"Hehe Anyohiseyo Unnie," I politely called.

"Anyo Y/nie," came the response from a giggling Sadie.

"YAH," and there goes Logan... again, "Why aren't you listening to me?! I have very important things to say and very little time to say them in! I have work in a few remember?!"

Laughter echoed through the phone lines.

"I kn0w- and if you hadn't paused the show in the middle of an interesting scene, MAYBE I'd be more inclined to listen to you ramble..."

"Ugh, fine," Logan muttered dejectedly.

"What are you two watching?" A curious Jordan asked.

"That new k-drama on Netflix, I forgot the name," I responded

"Oooohhh I know which one you're talking about. One of the characters is named Han Seok, right?"

"Yeah, he reminds me of Hannie though. He's funny, and loves food, and..."

"Hey don't get carried away now," Sadie stated, bringing me back to reality.

"Oh, ne haha, choisomnida..." I laughed, "Which day are you guys going to the concert?"

"I think we're going to go on Saturday night," Jordan began

"Yeah, we're hoping that there will be less of a crowd since Friday seems to be the party night," Sadie chimed in.

I couldn't hold back my laughter, "Haha! Sadie this is Stray Kids we're talking about, I wouldn't be surprised if people from Friday went to Saturday's show too!"

"Haha, yeah I guess you're right, but it'll be easier for us on Saturday anyway."

"Okie," I said returning to a calmer state, "I want to sit in the very front row so that they can all see and hear me though..."

"Of course!" Jordan chimed in, "Plus, we'll probably be more likely to have cool interactions with them too!"

"I'm going to go buy my ticket then before they sell out,"

"Ah, good idea! We should too," Sadie stated.

"We should stay on the call so we can get seats next to each other," I suggested.

"Ok," was the reply from Sadie.

~5 minutes later~

"YEAH! We're going to see Stray Kids! We're going to see Stray Kids!" I sang while doing a little dance.

"You're doing you little happy dance aren't you Y/nie?" Sadie and Jordan correctly guessed.

"Maaayybbeee..." I replied giggling, "Well I guess I'll see you guys in a month for my first concert!"

"OH! I forgot this will be your first time hehe," Jordan said shocked.

"Yup! I hope something really cool happens," I wished while starting to daydream

"We'll see you before that to go shopping for it!" Sadie reminded me.

"Oooohhhh I can't wait! When should we do that?" I inquired.

The next several minutes passed as we discussed where and when we'd meet to shop.

"I'll see you guys in a few day then," I chimed happily.

"I can't wait! Anyong Y/nie!" Was the unified response.

"Anyong!" *click*

I sighed happily.

"Can I stop waiting around for you to get off the phone and finish this episode with me now?" Logan asked annoyed.

"Haha, yeah Im done. Thanks for waiting my bestest big brother in the whole wide world! Words cannot even begin-,"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever that's enough sarcasm for today Y/n," Logan cut me off sighing. 

Even though I give my brother a lot of shit, we're all we have in this shitty hell of a life. He works hard to give me as much as he can, all sarcasm aside, he really is the best brother I could ask for.


OMG TY FOR STAYING!! I'm aware this is probably a bad start lol but it's the beginning so it's going to be boring af. If you have any suggestions please lmk! <3

Also I know I talk about Han in this chapter, however, if I do make it a romantic-type book I'm thinking our boy Channie?? IDK like I said TYYYYYY for staying!!!

~0.0 ~ <3

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