Not a Chapter

58 1 0

lol I just logged on to Wattpad and I looked at my total views for this story and this is how it went *clears voice*

"593 view- h0ly ShaT- Wait- #166 in #Y/N- WHAT THE ACTUAL fUck YesterDay iT waS At lIkE #250 in #Y/N anD I DidN'T pOst aNYtHIng TodAy"

Annnndd scene 

Seriously guys this is crazy to me! Thank you so much for reading my story I hope you all are enjoying reading it as much as I am enjoying writing it for you all.

I also have a crazy idea... ✨StArtInG a nEw b0oK✨

It will be a short story(pffttthaha the famous last words) about Chan and Y/n. To give you the cliff notes:

1. More unhealthy family relationships with Y/n

2. Disneyland

3. Abandonment

4. Happiness/love

Also I'm not 100% sure yet but I think I'll make this one as Chan is a regular person and not an Idol.... like I said not 100% sure so that could change in a millisecond *pained laughter*

ALSO we are just over 18.5k words into this story ~0.0~ Wh0Ooo. Honestly I'm not sure if I should feel happy or not about this... Oh well.


I love you all and thank you so much for suffering through my painful to read story lol


(OH and I will try to update a new chapter today so stay tuned~)

Edit May 30, 2024: This is so funny and still how I feel about 'Disney Magic'. Anyway- Thanks to all of you guys reading this story, we have 2.3K reads- like-👀 Also if you like Mafia stories, I have one titled 'The Mafia Queen' that you may enjoy~ Love you all and tysm for 2.3K!!! <3

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