Chapter 5

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Also quick TW: Physical and Mental Abuse


I looked down at my phone with wide eyes. No, not yet. Please no.

"Y/nnie you ok? You look scared," Jordan asked with a low voice not wanting to startle me.

"Fine, I'm fine. It's all good, just wasn't expecting something," I spoke quickly.

It wasn't all a lie.

"I- It was just Logan. He needs me back home, something came up," another fake smile...

Technically that statement was all true, just not detailed.

"Okay..."Jordan mumbled only half believing my response. Sadie shared a concerned look with her as they began checking to make sure they had all their belongings so we could go.

The drive back to the sister's apartment was quiet, a big difference to our first car ride. As we pulled up to the complex I spoke up.

"Hey thank you guys. I really did have a fun time today. I wish it didn't have to end so soon, but I'll text you guys later yeah?"

"Sounds good Y/nnie. If you need anything let us know ok? You're basically our sister we've been through so much together, and if anything happened to you..." Sadie trailed off not needing to finish her statement. She was right, they were there for me through some horrible shit. I nodded and offered a small smile as we climbed out of the car. After two tight, warm hugs I was glassy-eyed, but I couldn't cry yet.

"My god I love you guys," I managed to get out, "I'll text you when I get back to my house."

They nodded and we parted ways. Me to my car and off to hell, and my friends to the inside of their apartment.

Before I left the parking structure I texted Logan.


                                                    I'm on my way back rn


My Lovely(ew) Brother

Good. Hurry.


I walked up to the front door with sweaty palms. I shakily lined the key up with the lock, but it was unnecessary as the second the key made contact, the door swung open. Behold my father. A 6' raging beast who was clearly drunk. Like what the fuck it's literally 1 in the afternoon for crying out loud! I put on my best blank face and stared up at him.

"Where the fuck were you, you pathetic whore?"

Ah, yes did I forget to mention he loves to call me that? As this point it should probably be my legal name since it seems it's the only thing he knows how to call me. He harshly grabbed hold of my arm and drug me inside the house, slamming the door behinds him. Judging from the pillows thrown across the room, broken glass, upset table, and my brother huddled over in the corner, my father had already been in here leaving a fun mess for me to clean up.

"You never answered me," he slurred, "WHERE WERE YOU?"

I winced at the sudden blast and disgusting smell coming from his mouth.

"I was with friends," I knew he wasn't going to like that he probably thought-

"LIAR! You were probably sleeping with someone like the fucking whore you are!"

He threw me to the ground. Yep, he did think that. I was right.

My hair was strewn across my face and my palm landed on a piece of glass. There's another wound to add to the list. At this point I was numb mentally. I don't care anymore. I watched as he stormed and stumbled out of the room.

I whispered to Logan, "Are you hurt at all?"

Fortunately, he shook his head no although he was shaking slightly.

I heard a small bang followed by a string of cuss words as my father stumbled back into the room, now holding an empty beer bottle. He must have stubbed his toe... serves him right.

"This is all your fault, you fucking whore," he muttered darkly.

I'm not sure why he always blames me, but I've learned to keep quiet. If I say anything Logan gets a share of the joy, right now Logan's the only one working so I can't let him get hurt.

I looked up timidly, not wanting to provoke him further. My father was already staring at me in disgust as if I was some dog shit on the bottom of his shoe.

Then the bottle came down on my head.

The force knocked me down flat on the ground. I felt warm liquid roll down my temple. I was now facing a wide-eyed Logan who began to ball his fists in anger.

"No," I can't let him. I forgot that Logan is usually either sent to another room while I get beaten or at work... this is the first time he watched our father hurt me.

Satan's spawn left to go get another bottle.

"Just go to your room Logan. Please," I begged, "You can't get hurt, not now. Please go before he comes back."

Logan shook his head defiantly. He had tears in his eyes, I've never seen him cry before.

"Logan. I'll be fine. GO." I managed to pull myself up and push Logan away towards his bedroom. "Go you idiot." I pushed him again.

Our father came back to the room. This time I shoved Logan as hard as I could and he finally began moving.

"Run," I whispered as I felt a fat tear run down my face.

For once he listened.

"What are you doing you whore?"

A sharp pain in the back of my head reminded me of my father's presence.

"Why are you so fat? I should give you less food."

I've had enough of this shit. I didn't stop myself. I didn't care anymore.

"You should give me less food?" I seethed. "Maybe if you actually worked for and bought my food! All you do is waste the money you son earns by going to the bar spending at least a hundred dollars, till you're fucking drunk and then come back acting like your children are fucking incompetent and sluts and aren't worthy of love!" I could see he was beyond pissed but I didn't give two fucks.

"You ungrateful, disgusting, ugly, fat, pathetic, bitchy whore!" He screamed as he slapped me so hard I returned to the floor. He drug me back up by my hair and punched my stomach. My body was physically numb from the pain now. I was flung back down where my father began to kick me. Why? Why are you like this? You weren't before... My ears started ringing and I was seeing stars...

Then it was all black...


So yeah... that happened...

The next chapter will be a flashback to 3.5 years ago

Very specific lol I'll explain next chapter but yeah tysm for being here!

Questions, comments, concerns, etc. can be left right here <3 Luv yah😘

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