Chapter 6

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~Flashback 3.5 years ago~

*Beep Beep Beep*

I rolled over a hit my alarm clock. Just a few more minutes... I rolled back onto my side and drifted off to sleep again...

"Come on Y/n, it's time to wake up! It's 10 am and we're going to see Grandpa in the hospital today," my mom called out apparently two hours later. Two freaking HOURS felt like five minutes!

I forced my eyes open and heaved my body over the side of my beloved bed, and fell onto the floor with a thud. I groaned out in more annoyance and grogginess than pain as my brother Logan peeked in my door.

"What the hell? What happened to you?"

"A very good morning to you too my dear brother," I mumbled with my face stuffed in the fluffy rug. Peeling myself off my surprisingly comfortable carpet, I stumbled over to my closet. It was a bright, warm summer day so I threw on some shorts and a fitted, white spaghetti-strap camisole. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I made my way over to my bathroom to brush my teeth and hair, wash my face, and finally put on some makeup.

"Hurry up Y/n, I want to go already," Logan called from outside my room.

Yeah I should mention that entire process took close to two hours...

"I'm coming! I'm coming! Jeez," I responded walking over to my shoes and grabbing a random pair of high tops and a puffy bomber jacket.

I walked out to the dining table where a steamy stack of fluffy pancakes awaited my growling stomach.

"Oh my gosh it smells heavenly!" I inhaled deeply not wanting to forget the smell.

"Eat up we're leaving in 20," my mom informed me as she walked back to her room to get shoes for herself.

My Dad had already left to work for the day since it was already noon... Anyway, he'll come back around 2:30 to visit Grandpa later with mom.

After I finished eating, I took my dishes over to the sink where I washed them and placed them into the dishwasher. Why in the world do I have to wash the dishes if we have a dishWASHER? It does such a bad job at what it was designed for that we have to do most the work for it! Horrible investment. *tsk*

I ran back to my room to grab a mask and a small drawing I made for Grandpa. I hope I get to see him before we have to leave. Lately the hospital staff have been so strict only letting two people in his room at a time and ONLY if they have a mask. It's so frustrating because 4 out of 6 times I don't even get to talk with Grandpa.

After a quick 5 minute drive, we arrived and walked into the lobby to get our visitor stickers.

"Hi we're here to visit room number 273," mom spoke politely to the reception lady.

We put on our masks as she eyed us and handed us our tags.

"Only two people at a time, and there's already a lady up there," the receptionist's nastily voice pierced through the quiet lobby. Grandma had stayed the night, of course. We nodded and I went to go sit while mom called Grandma to let her know the situation. After a minute or two, I spot Grandma walking towards us looking relieved to see us. I got up and hugged her as I usually do. After we all said hi, mom and Logan went to the (hell)elevator while I sat with Grandma in the lobby.

"I don't know why the receptionist is being so strict, the nurses up on your Grandpa's floor said it was fine for all of us to be there but whatever!" Grandma remarked, clearly annoyed with the situation.

"It's fine, I'm sure I'll be able to see him tomorrow," I assured her.

She nodded in response and we waited for our family to return in peaceful silence.

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