Chapter 10

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TW: Mentions of self-harm


(Timeframe: Two weeks later because guess who had writers block🥳)

Since I started my part time job at Starbucks quite a few things have happened.

1. I found out the night Logan saw our Father beat me, he called the cops and got the asshole arrested.

2. We moved to a new place right next door to Sadie and Jordan

3. I was able to save money from my paychecks and got the same Converse High Tops I had passed up before. It was a good thing I waited too, because when I went back they were discounted!

4. I started working out more at the gym with Logan and the girls and I started thinning out steadily. Thanks to Sadie and Jordan I didn't starve myself (noticeably) to get thin fast, but instead they roughed out the intense ab routine with me. Needless to say, the girls and I got buff.

5. Sadie and I joined a dance crew that covered K-pop songs, and quickly progressed becoming the top two dancers in the group of eight. Our group is called QueenKard. We like to run things as if we were an official K-pop group, even writing a few of own songs. (A/N: I will introduce everyone next chapter I think) 

6. My depression got worse for some reason, even when the main source of it was gone.

"Y/nnie! Come here!" Jordan called from her room.

I walked into her room casually looking down at my phone.

"Hello~" she called waving her hand in front of my phone screen.

I glanced up unaffected, lifted my eyebrows and asked, "Yes?"

She huffed in annoyance, crossed her arms and tapped her foot on the ground analyzing my entire body. Suddenly a bit self conscious about the grey sports bra and running shorts I had chosen for my pajamas I happened to still be wearing. I also glanced down at my body. I crossed my arms silently hoping she wouldn't notice the little cuts I had made on my upper arm.

"What's wrong," I asked.

"You look skinnier than a few days ago," Jordan stated, narrowing her eyes. I shifted uncomfortable from her intense gaze. Jordan continued, "Have you been eating regularly?"

"Y-yeah," I shifted my feet again, looking down quickly.

"I don't believe you," She stared walking closer to me, and I backed up eventually hitting my back on the wall. The sudden and unexpected impact caused me to unfold my arms to prevent myself from completely falling. In an attempt to stabilize me, Jordan quickly, but gently, caught hold of my left arm. I shrunk back quickly from her grasp mumbling a quick thank you. It was a little too quick for her liking and she narrowed her eyes at me again, this time scanning the arm I had snatched away and covered again.

"What's on your arm...?" Jordan asked hesitantly.

My eyes went wide, and I shifted my hand to make sure nothing was showing. "Nothing, Jordi. Don't worry about it."

"If there isn't anything there why would you tell me not to worry?" Jordan fired back. Before I could react, she pulled my hand away from the raised, pink and red lines on my skin. Her eyes widened and her lips parted slightly in shock. I shook her hand from mine and turned to walk out of her room.

"Wait," she whispered, and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"What," I stated coldly.

After a few moments she whispered in a barely audible and shaky voice, "Why?"

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