Chapter 12

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Spoiler: No song cus I looked at it again and it's cringey as fUck so yeah... just imagine a real badass vibe and Royalty type of theme lol


During this nice little break, let me explain how we became QueenKard and how the fuck we ended up performing at a music festival.

Two weeks ago, after dad was arrested, I gave little hints that I thought I was fat.

Sadie caught on first and talked with me about it. That's how we all started working out together. Sadie would monitor my eating habits too because she knew I'd starve myself to get thin faster.

Progress was slow and I got frustrated, resulting in me only eating half portions of food. Sadie noticed, of course, being the mom she is. Then she started watching me eat all my meals. Then about a week and a half ago she surprised me! She called me and said, *ahem* and I quote, "Y/n! Get your fucking ass over to my room." Then promptly hung up forcing me to come.

When I walked into her room, she handed me a blindfold and drug me out to her car. After hopping in, she refused to turn the car on until I tied the blindfold on. After I did, she turned on some k-pop and asked me if I liked to dance.

Like are you kidding me?! I'm a K-pop stan for fuck's sakes!

About 15 minutes later she stopped the car and told me to keep the blindfold over my eyes. She also told me she would lead me and make sure I didn't hit anything... Let me just say the bitch lied.

After a few minutes of stumbling in darkness, hitting my leg on a table, hitting my arm on the side of the elevator doors, and falling onto my face a grand total of 3 times, we made it to the surprise destination.

Sadie had yelled out, "Surprise!" cOMpleTely forgetting I was still blind.

I told her. Nicely oBvioUslY... ok maybe not so nicely but I'll let someone else decide. I said "Bitch I can't see shit! You haven't taken the fucking blindfold off you bitch!"

I had heard a collection of gasps from around me. Sadie had pinched me whispering threats, saying how I need to watch my mouth more as she took the blindfold off.

"Tada~ We have a dance crew now," Sadie had rolled her eyes at me and did jazz hands. To be honest, I was impressed she found people willing to work with us, and that she was able to keep quiet about it for a few days. Well, more like I was impressed she was able to keep Jordan from spilling it.

"Alsothere'safreemusicfestivalwe'reperformingatinaweekandahalf," Sadie had added under her breath.

I nearly got whiplash from how fast I had turned to face her. "Oh wow~ We have a week and a half to build a fanbase, figure out what we're dancing, stage outfits, if we're actually going to sing or not, analyze the dancing skill of...1,2,3,4,5,6... SIX people I JUST met, see if we're even capable of dancing in sync without tripping over each other's feet, oh yeah and PRAY TO GOD that we can get along!"

Long story short~ we practiced nearly everyday for the past week. Managed to record an original song, make choreography for it, memorize the lyrics, find additional songs to perform covers of, made our group name, and ended up becoming really close friends. Sadie suggested that we start a YouTube channel to promote our group as well. This, obviously, created new issues. Now we needed a videographer, stylist, makeup artist, and a social media manager... Turns out Logan was a pro at filming us dance, and Jordan has an ✨exquisite sense of fashion and makeup. Logan took charge of our socials too, which was funny because he hates things like TikTok and Instagram, he doesn't even have any accounts! For some reason though, he was really good at it. After "debuting" on YouTube with a dance practice of our song 'Rulers' we grew quickly reaching about 1.5K followers. So that's our story condensed into my 15 minute break.

"Break's over!" Sadie called out from her corner of the dance studio.

We all scooted ourselves across the floor and into our positions for 'Royals'. I had written this song after my father beat me so badly I couldn't sleep properly, but I wasn't unconscious from pain either. Writing it made me feel powerful and like I was in control. I was stronger.

The choreography Sadie, Olivia, Hana, and I made conveys that message well. It starts off with everyone doing floor work, like we are broken. As the song progresses though, we pick ourselves up, brush the dust off, and begin to take control. I was really proud of us. Olivia and I made sure we could rap while dancing, and Hana and Sadie made sure the vocals could remain stable throughout the choreography.

After we completed our practice of 'Rulers' we were all satisfied. The first few times we sang it all together, a few of us stared crying. After the first time we put the choreography together with the music and practiced it I cried because the girls conveyed the emotions so well. I was really proud of us coming so far in such a short amount of time.

After practicing for a few more hours, we called it a day.

"Great work everyone. Especially Tsuru, Izzy, and Ji, you guys really pushed yourselves. I'm proud of you all," Sadie said as we all walked out of the practice room.

As we got closer to home, I got more and more tired as all our hard work caught up to me.

"You ok if I just go straight to bed when we get back?" I asked Sadie, knowing she might be concerned if I don't eat.

Stopping at a red light, she turned to look me in the eye. "Take a shower and get in bed, I'll wake you after an hour with food though ok," she responded.

I nodded in response.

When we arrived back home, man it feels good to say home again... When we got back home, I walked straight to the bathroom connected to my room and hopped in the shower. The warm water soothed my aching muscles and I almost fell asleep right there.

I drug myself out of the comforting water and into my room where I changed into some fuzzy, warm pajamas and fell onto my plush bed, falling asleep almost immediately.


oml lol I have this ASL class that has live help sessions... There this kid in it and he literally looks like Johnny from NCT😭 

like... new school crush unlocked🤭

P.S. I found a dance on Pinterest of exactly what I was going for vibe wise for the 'Rulers' choreography so if you wanna check it out here it is:

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