Chapter 21

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Turns out drinking coffee and then getting anxious about stupid college grades is a bad mix and now my mind feels like it's spinning in circles at 100mph and my hands are shaking a little bit.

Anyways here's the next chapter~


In a matter of minutes, it was discovered there were a total of five cars available, including the one the three Stray Kid's members were brought in.

"Although, if we used our car the Manager would get suspicious," Felix reasoned on the matter.

"So what? We're going to sneak you guys out in our cars and not let anyone know, which means that when we get caught we'll be in even more trouble?" I asked in an exasperated manner. "I'm so proud of you Felix." I concluded, placing a hand over my heart and patting it while sniffing.

Sadie rolled her eyes, while most everyone else snickered. "Seeing as the first part of Y/n's statement is accurate, what are we gonna do?"

"I tell our manager not to worry and that we'll be back to the hotel by midnight," Chan suggested.

"That's no fun," Felix and I whined at the same time. "Jinx!"


"Damn," Felix pouted.

"Hey man, I'm the Main Rapper for a reason," I stated matter-of-factly, flipping my hair over my shoulder. I turned back to the "Adult's conversation" between Chan and Sadie to discover Chan watching my encounter with Felix with a fond smile on his face. I looked away embarrassed.

"Olivia~" I whined.

"What?" Olivia replied, without looking up from her phone.

"Nothing..." I moved back over to Sadie and Chan.

"... can ride with the three of you to direct you to the correct location," Sadie was saying.

"Who?" I asked butting into their conversation.

"You'll find out in a second," Sadie brushed me off. I pouted.

"Sadie~" Tsuru called from across the room.

"Y/n can go see what she needs while Chan and I finish organizing car groups?" Sadie asked me.

I nodded and walked over to Tsuru. "Wassup?"

"Jordi took my snack," she pouted while pointing at the said offender.

Jordan looked up with wide eyes, her cheeks puffed out with snacks. "I dib nofing of de short," she defended, sending tiny crumbs of Oreo cookie out from her mouth. I stared at her trying not to show my full disgust at the sight. Instead, I shifted my attention to the open bag of Oreos in her grubby hands.

I gently took the package away, knowing she couldn't complain to Sadie because it was stolen goods in the first place. I looked inside to see two more Oreos as well as some crumbs. I glanced up at the snack thief and watched her gulp down her mouth full, black crumbs decorating around her mouth and her lips.

I smiled in amusement and handed the Oreos back to her.

"But those are mine!" Tsuru cried. I looked over to see tears pricking at the corner of the younger girl's eyes.

I smiled fondly at her and ran a hand through her hair. "Come on," I stood up, offering my hand to her.

Tsuru timidly took hold of it and followed me out of the room. I walked her down the hall to the Vending Machine. Upon arrival, her demeanor was noticeably brighter.

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