Chapter 19

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I promised it so here you go


After what felt like a lifetime, the famous leader nodded his head and loosened his grip.

I stood up quickly and spoke just as fast, "I'm going to get water and snacks from the vending machine. Do you want anything?" I turned my face just enough to see Chan's head resting in his hands while I dug in my backpack for my wallet.


The breath got caught in my throat and my face grew warm a the sight of his concentrated face.

"Shouuuurrr," He drug out making his decision. I bobbed my head and walked out with my wallet.

The door closed and I turned to be greeted by the sight of our maknae line crying.

"What happened?" I asked growing worried.

When they heard me, they turned and encapsulated me in a frantic hug.

"What's wrong?" I asked again.

"We didn't know what was happening to you," Olivia choked out. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Jordi h-heard banging from th-the changing r-room-" Tsuru began explaining.

"Then Sadie pushed us out," Ji-Young continued.

"S-sadie called Chan in, and s-she s-sounded scared," Tsuru fought her tears again.

"Shhh, shh. It's all ok, I'm ok." I pulled Tsuru close to me and caressed her head, as she gripped my hoodie for dear life.

"So we've been keeping them company out here," A new voice spoke up. I looked around to see Felix standing a few feet away with Seungmin by his side.

"Thank you," I whispered, feeling guilty. "I'm going to get snacks, go get changed into some comfy clothes." I instructed the girls.

I peeled myself away from the hug and walked down the hall.

"What do you want?" I asked when I heard footsteps following me.

"Are you ok?" Was the timid response.

I turned around to see Bangchan.

"Dude, I thought you were staying in the room," I stated with a straight face.

"You never asked."

I sighed and turned back to the vending machine, punching in buttons. After paying with my credit card, I turned to face Chan again.

"Were you worried?"


"Was it Jordan who was worried? Or did Sadie send you to watch me and make sure I didn't do anything stupid?" I heard the whirring of the machine, then the soft thuds as the snacks I paid for fell to be collected. Without waiting for a response, I turned to get the snacks.

Feeling a hand on my arm I turned around to see what Chan wanted.

"Do you need a hug?"

I scoffed. "A hug? That's all you wanted?"

"It's not that I wAnted it," he stressed the vowels, "I think you need it."

I stood staring a him for a few moments.

"I'm not going to force you," he added.

I looked down and scratched the nape of my neck. "One hug probably won't hurt." I said looking back up and meeting his eyes.

Oh my god that smile will be the death of me. The one that is just so soft, that looks like he's afraid to break you. The smile that shows the warmth of his heart, and says all the things words can't. His beautiful, soft, caring smile that makes you smile even though you don't want to. The smile that wraps you in the hug you didn't realize you needed.

The smile that saved you.


short finish BYE

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