Chapter 9

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Y/n's POV

I rushed into Starbucks with a minute to spare.

"Hello," I walked up to the cashier. "May I speak with your manager?" Noticing the slightly worried look on her face I quickly added, "You can just let them know my application was accepted and I need some more info so I can start working." I smiled sweetly at the girl as she nodded and walked off.

~Timeskip cus idk what to put here~

I walked from the car back to the apartment and unlocked the door. I was greeted by a wiggling Ginger.

"Oh hi wiggle butt! How are you?" I smiled and she jumped up and licked my face.

"Y/nnie! You're back," Jordan called from her perch on the couch, smiling.

"Hi hi~" I waddled over kicking my shoes off in the process and going in for cuddles. Is it just me or are cuddles the best?

She giggled as we got comfortable on the couch.

"Where's Unnie and Oppa?" I ask, noticing they hadn't made an appearance yet.

"Sadie's at the store, and Logan's in the guest bedroom right now."

"Ah, okie~" after a few moments of comfortable silence and warmth, I heaved myself off of Jordan and made my way to the guest room.

"SUP LOSER!" I yelled as I threw the door open and pounced on Logan's sitting figure on the floor.

"Ow! What the actual FuCk Y/n?!"

I laughed and rolled off of him.

"You're going to pay for that you little brat," Logan angrily stated as he hovered over me and began tickling.

"*le gasp* OH MY GOD IM SORRY! IM SORRYYYYY! PlEasSE StOp nOW! HAjImAh~" I cried out.

Jordan appeared in the door frame after hearing the commotion, "What the fu-"

"LANGUAGE JORDI" Sadie, who apparently just got back home, yelled out.

As Logan began laughing in victory, his tickle attack slowly subsided.

"I fucking hate you bitch," I muttered under my breath as I shuffled out the room sulking.

"Unnie~ why do you and Y/n and Logan get to curse but I can't~" Jordan whined as she followed me out to the kitchen.

"Because you're my baby sister, who is well behaved and will listen to me unlike some little bitch I know..." Sadie trailed off giving me a glare.

I whipped my head back and forth as if trying to look for something, "Oh my god, who would DarE dO suCh A ThinG?!"


I purse my lips and look around the kitchen for a useful distraction

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I purse my lips and look around the kitchen for a useful distraction. "Sooooooooo what are we having for dinner...?"

Jordan snorted and walked back to the couch with a bag of chips she snatched from the groceries while Sadie wasn't looking.

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