Chapter 14

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3rd pov

After following Jerry's instructions Sadie found a parking spot. Not long after, she spotted some familiar faces.

"...the fuck..." she whispered as her wide eyes silently followed the small group until they disappeared behind the stage. Sadie's eyes stayed glued to where the party of three had disappeared in a trance, not blinking. However that peace was soon broken as she heard Jordan start bickering.

"Ughhhghghh yoU'Re hEaD is s0 heAvY," Jordan whined and started pushing Y/n's head up off her.

Sadie turned around in her seat to see what the commotion was about. A grumble emitted from Y/n's mouth as she groggily sat up and continued to mutter a few profanities about how she could never sleep in peace.

Logan had already hopped out of the car and started to unload his items from the "boot." He refused to call it by any other name and even argued his point so thoroughly that Jordan also adopted the term. To the dismay of Sadie, Y/n started referring to the trunk as the boot as well after noticing the annoyance it cased the older.

The three girls climbed out of the car, well, Sadie and Jordan climbed out, Y/n was so clumsy she almost ruined her makeup on the dirt. Jordan had managed to predict this would happen and had caught the entire moment on her phone's camera.

"Caught in 4K bitch," Jordan snickered while rewatching the video of Y/n falling. Jordan's joy was short lived when a hand made contact with the back of her head.

"Language," Sadie scolded.

"Hah, suck it bitch," Y/n taunted the poor girl.

"You have two seconds to run," Jordan threaded, her eyes darkening.

After an awkward single syllable laugh escaped Y/n's lips, she took off.

??'s pov

I walked away from my group to find the bathroom. It was a freakishly long drive here because of the traffic and my bladder was DyiNg.

"Caught in 4K bitch," I looked over to see a girl laughing at her phone. Then another girl started reprimanding her for her language. It was funny to watch someone else have to scold bad language other than me. My bladder can wait for a little while longer, this is getting interesting.

"Hah, suck it bitch," a third girl piped up. Oh, what happens next?? This was like watching a low-budget Netflix movie that is low key funny as fuck.

I could barely make out the first girl's response, but I think I heard her say run... Just as my brain could process what it think it heard, the third girl who had teaser her started running like her life depended on it. I watched in amusement as she started to be chased by her friend.

After I watched for a few more moments I figured they were staff for someone performing since they were unloading a bunch of boxes.

Y/n's pov

"SAdiE hElp mE!" I pleaded as I ran for my life around the dirt parking lot.


"Oop, someone got in trouble hehe😈" I teased Jordan.

"You didn't have to use my full name," Jordan whined as she sulkily trudged over to help Sadie.

"Y/n you aren't helping right now either, get over here and pick up these boxes." Sadie instructed.

Jordan stuck her tongue out at me so I stuck mine out at her and added my middle finger knowing she wouldn't be able to retaliate. Her face contorted into one of shock. Fortunately Sadie had her back turned to me so I didn't have to worry about a lecture form her.

After a few minutes, the four of us successfully brought all of the boxes and supplies backstage.

"Y/nnniieeee~" I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist as someone hugged me from behind. I turned to find Olivia and happily wrapped my arms around her.

"Hi hi~" I cooed as I gently pet the shorter girl's hair. "You ready to perform?"

"Yeah~ but I'm nervous" Olivia replied, releasing herself from the hug and shaking her arms out.

"If anyone needs to worry, it'll be Sadie trying to make sure everyone is behaving," I whispered with a wink. It make Olivia giggle, and stop worrying for a little while so it made me happy.

Even though Olivia is older than me, I enjoy babying her. She never complains, the only time she did was because Sadie, Hana, Halie, and Izzy were babying her.

Jordan called Olivia over to do her makeup, while everyone else arrived.

Hana, Halie, and Ji-young lived close to each other, so they all rode together.

Next, Tusru arrived. Apparently she walked because her house was "only a mile and a half away. Plus I know all of the shortcuts," she had said.

A few minutes later, Izzy arrived.

"I told you to get here at 10:30 am Izzy! What time does the clock say?" Sadie questioned as soon as Izzy was within earshot.

Tilting her phone to see the time, Izzy replied, "*ahem* Ring ding dong, ring ding dong, Ring diggy ding diggy ding, ding, ding, Ring ding dong-"

Sadie covered her ears and yelled out "Stop it you're making my ears bleed." Meanwhile, Olivia, Jordan, Tsuru and I joined in.

"Oh my god Y/n's doing the dance too," Ji-Young laughed.

With a smug smirk I replied, "I know, 냐가 제일 잘 나가(naega jeil jal naga)"

Soon everyone, except for Logan who was filming our crazy asses, was singing and dancing to 'I am the Best' by 2NE1.

Our fun was interrupted by the stage manager of the festival coming to inform us it was time for our performance practice.

Jordan quickly put the finishing touches on Olivia's makeup and the ten of us filed out to the stage.

We were all handed tags with our names and a number to pin to our shirts for our practice, as well as hand-held and hands-free microphones. Jordan helped everyone get wired up while Logan made his way down to the audience to film.

After a few minutes, we were all ready to start practicing in our new environment. Before the song started I noticed Ji-Young, Olivia, and Tsuru the three standing closest to me, fidgeting in nervousness.

"Naega jeil jal naga bitches," I whispered loud enough for them to hear me. I noticed they smiled slightly and shook out the nerves. I smiled happy I could help them relax.

A split second after, my face changed as the the badass vibe of the song required. We all put in our best even though it was only the practice. There were a few people sitting in the audience, although 80% of them were staff for the event like security, cleaners, etc. I say 80% because there was a group of three people in the very back who seemed to be monitoring our performance on the big screens. At the end of our first performance, 'Batter Up', we all had slightly labored breathing. I noticed that the small group that had been watching us started clapping in tiny.

We moved from our ending pose to a line and practiced our greeting. Since it only took a few minutes to introduce ourselves and give short speeches, we quickly moved on to our performance of 'Rulers'.

After we finished, the stage manager quickly ushered us off the stage so the next performer could practice before the festival started in 30 minutes.

Once backstage, Sadie pulled all of us into a group hug telling us how proud she was of us.

"Hold up, we haven't even done anything impressive yet," I countered. I've never been great at accepting compliments so my face was a light shade of pink.

My friends laughed at my flustered face, and we walked back to our group's room to change.


Yay we finally made it to the festival!

Y'all are smart so who are the mystery people enjoying the music in the back..?👀


Bai bai~

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