Chapter 20

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Chan took a step towards me with his arms open, bringing back from my thoughts.

I give him a small smile. "You sure you're ok with hugging me?" I ask still unconvinced.

"One, we were basically hugging earlier and two, would I be standing here for an hour with my arms open, getting tired, waiting for you to finally make a choice?"

"Fine, fine," I put my hands up in defeat and take a step towards him. "I'm nervous bro," I laugh.

He flops his arms down dramatically. "Why? Just come get a hug already before I go back," Chan threatens like a small child.

I laugh a little, drag my hands down my face and sigh. "Ok," I say with my eyes shut tight. "I'm ready," I finish by opening my arms.

"Oh now you're going to make me do all the work," Chan complains.

My eyes pop open, "Seriously?! It was your idea in the first pla- Oh you little twerp." I spit out when I notice his gleaming eyes and giggling figure.

"Ok, ok." Chan opens his arms again while I cross mine over my chest.

"Nope, moments over. You missed it." I sulk silently with my back turned to him while I fetch the snacks from the vending machine. "AISH BRO YOU'RE GOING TO CRUSH THE SNACKS!"

Of course Chan decided to spin me around to face him and pull me into a hug. Of course, the fragile chips are stuck between us, most likely turning to powder right now. After a few moments I relax and wrap my arms around the Leader's waist.

"These are way better that the virtual hugs," my voice muffled by his warm, soft, comforting hoodie.

I can hear his chuckle and I feel his chest moving up and down with each peal of laughter. "Are you saying my virtual hugs aren't enough?" He asks mock offended and pulling away from me a little bit.

"Not after this they're not," I pull away completely from Chan and turn quickly to claim the few remaining bags of snacks. Why? Because for whatever reason my eyes went glassy and I don't want Chan to see me cry. Also maybe because my face is a wee bit red... "Do want something from here?" I ask looking at my shoes.

"You already got what I wanted," Chan replies pointing to one of the numerous bags in my arms.

I nod stiffly, "Alright then, let's go back." I walk past him as casually as possible and down the hall back to QueenKard's room.

From outside the door, I can hear laughter and general commotion coming from inside. I take a deep breath and smile big before opening the door, "I'M BACK BITcheOs. Come line up for your snacks..." a small stampede occurred as the girls ran over. "Alright. One pack of Oreos each for Ji-Young and Tsuru and Jordan," I spoke while handing out the items. "Sadie, a pack of Sun Chips. Hana, Cool Ranch Doritos. Halie here's your Gator Blood," I received a playful shove from the girl.

"I told you not to call it that," Hana pouted.

I laughed at her, "How in the world are you older than me? Fine your GatOrAid m'lady." I hand the bottle over with a bow. "Izzy, catch," I made sure I had her attention before tossing her 'Hello Panda' package over to her on the couch. "Olivia, if you don't put down the game and get your Pretzels I swear that I'll eat them and you'll never see them again!"

Olivia gasped dramatically and thew her phone onto the couch, "NaUr, dOn't dO tHat I nEed mY fOOd," She ran to me practically on the verge of tears. I giggle and give her the bag, ruffling her hair as she walked back to her spot.

I turn to find Chan watching the controlled chaos from behind me. "Your Red Vines good sir," I hold out the package to him. Bangchan took it with a smile.

Noticing 5 more packs of snacks in my hands he asks, "Who are those for?"

"Me duh?" I wink and walk sassily over to the couch to Felix and Seungmin. "Pick one each," I instruct. Felix got a big smile and grabbed the Sweetish Fish, while Seungmin went for the Pringles. "Good choices," I smile and walk over to the corner and sit on the floor watching everyone having a good time while I ate my two items. More specifically, a bag of Cheese-its, and a can of coffee.

It was like watching a movie. Jordan, Halie, Hana, and Tsuru sat on the floor making bracelets for everyone in the room. Sadie, Felix, Izzy, and Seungmin sat on the couch talking and laughing together, with Olivia between Felix's legs on the floor receiving one of his famous massages while playing on her phone. Ji-Young went around the room periodically searching for any all remaining snacks she could get her hands on. Chan was in a similar position as me, quietly observing everyone from his station by the door. Arms crossed like he was a body guard that was responsible for keeping everyone safe.

"Yah, Y/nah~" Ji-Young pulled my attention from the Sentinel.


"Do you have any snacks left over? Maybe?" Ji-Young asked as innocently as possible.

I laughed at her cuteness, "If you do aegyo, then you may have the rest of these Cheese-its," I offered.

The look of horror that appeared on her face, was quickly replaced . "Noooo~ I don't want to do aegyo~" Ji-Young whined, pouting.

"Damn you're good at that! Complaining and completing your task all at once..." I sniffed and wiped a fake tear, "I couldn't be more proud of you, you've grown up so fast."

The older girl scoffed and started laughing, "If anything I taught you how to do that, not the other way around," Ji-Young said while taking the bag of snacks.

"Eh, Tomato Tomahtoh," I shrugged as she walked away happily munching on her treasure.

The door opened.

"Oh shit!" All eyes were on me now, "Ah shit I said that out loud."

"YAH! You'Re in HerE EatiNG and PARtinG wiTHouT mE?!" Logan cried out. "I haD thE MoST DIffICulT jOB ouT THerE!"

I sprinted to the door and slipped past Logan and Chan. I ran to the vending machine like my life depended on it... because it did. I frantically pushed the buttons and tapped my foot impatiently on the floor waiting for the food to come to me. The second I could, I grabbed the can of Coffee, and the bag of Nacho Vibes Doritos and ZOOMED back to the room to a waiting Logan.

"Here!" I extended my peace offering while panting.

Everyone began laughing while Logan took the snacks from my outstretched hands. I kept my hands on my thighs as I was bent over trying to catch my breath. Chan began rubbing my back softly.

"In and out..." He coached me.

"THaT's whAT a HambUrger'S AAAALLLLLL aboUT," I stood up straight and danced a little bit.

"Oh my god," Sadie groaned knowing what was coming next.

"In-n-out?" Eight voices chimed all at once. Then eight pairs of beady little eyes landed on Sadie, "Can we go to In-n-out? PLEAAAASSEEE" Felix even joined in with the antics.

"Y/N! MAKE THEM STOP!" Sadie yelled out covering her ears and standing up.

I was basically on the floor laughing my ass off recording it all. Catching my breath, I made my way to the epicenter of the childish group. "Alright, alright, knock it off." The whining and pleas for food persisted though. I drew in a big breath, "ALRIGHT CUT OUT OR NO IN-N-OUT FOR ANY OF YOU!" That shut them up quick. "Thank you. Now, How many cars we have?" I asked.


ok I say this a lOT....... BUT this one was the most fun to write so far.

ALSO as of right this second, I only need 3 more views to reach 1,000 total views- MY MIND IS GOING TO FUCKING EXPLODE GUYS!!!! TYSM FOR READING!!!!!!!!!


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