Chapter 3

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After paying for the two items I took a glance over at Sadie who was looking at something on her phone.

"I can feel the lasers going through my head right now Y/n"

"Oh..." after a moment of silence I spoke up again "Unnie~"


"... I'm kind of hungry..."

An exasperated sign came from the older girl. "We just ate donuts like less than an hour ago! How are you so skinny with how much you eat? How does it all fit in your short self?"

"Hey hey it ain't my fault! I've had to literally fight Logan for food before! And I'm not that short! I'm a proud 5' 6"" I replied offended she would use her half inch against me. "As for my skinniness... I don't even know what you're talking about," I said looking down at my less than flat stomach. "On second thought, I probably don't need snacks yet. I should probably work out more too, my already nonexistent abs are disappearing and my thighs are too thick." I poked at my tummy and legs while talking about them.

"Yah. Don't say that, you look perfect!" Jordan spoke up, cupping and lifting my chin with her hands.

"No I don't, but whatever. I don't think I'd be able to get any skinnier anyway, I can't stay away from food," I sighed dejectedly and looked up from my chair to the shoe store across the way. "Anyone need shoes?"

Thankfully my friends took the hint and we all walked into the store dropping the subject.

The three of us split up once inside the large storefront and agreed to meet back in 30 minutes.

As I walked between shelves of boxed and displayed shoes I couldn't stop thinking about how thick I was compared to Sadie and Jordan. They fit perfectly and fit flawlessly in any clothes or bikini they picked up. I, on the other hand, had to search for hours to find something that would cover my rather large butt comfortably. Both of them looked like models while I looked like a girl who ate way too much food for her short stature. Of course I cared about how I looked, it was hard not too when even my father says something about it. Speaking of that asshole, I hope he isn't there when I have to go back to the hellhole I reside in. Ever since-

"Y/nnie! There you are!"

I turned with a blank stare to find who brought me back from my increasingly dark thoughts.

"Was your phone off I called you twice..."

I looked down at the phone in my had to see two missed calls from Sadie.

"I guess so... has it already been 30 minutes?" I asked baffled.

"No, it's only been 15. I already found my shoes see?" Sadie held up her treasure. Black, thick soled, leather combat boots with little pouches on each side. I blinked a few times as my mind felt blank.

"They look nice,"

"Thanks. You were zoned out when I walked up. You ok bitch?" Sadie asked with a concerned expression on her face. Even with the teasing and names Sadie was like my older sister always looking out for me. 

"Yeah. Totally fine," I faked a smile. It was easier that way. Turning back to the shelf we were standing in front of I picked up a pair of chunky black high top converse. I looked at them turning them around and mentally thought of my outfit.

"I could probably paint these right?" I held the shoes up to Sadie's eye level.

"I've never seen anything you couldn't paint before," she stated with a giggle "What do you think you'll paint on them?"

"I'm not entirely sure yet. Probably stars since that was the new album."

"That sounds cool. I can't wait to see them when you're done! Since we both found shoes I'll go look for Jordi and we'll meet you at the checkout alright?"

"Sure," As Sadie walked off I found my shoe size and took a glance at the price tag. $75 for fucking shoes! Shit. I can't afford these at all. I don't want to ask Sadie and Jordan either, they've already bought all the food and used their own money for gas to drive us all the way out here. Not to mention they have a whole damn apartment and dog to take care of! I gently set the shoes down on the shelf and walked out of the racks to the checkout counter. Seeing that they hadn't arrived yet, I hopped on my phone to check for any part time jobs I could get my hands on.

~ThRee mInuTes LatEr~

I ended up looking at an application to Starbucks. It might be fun having a fast paced job to keep my mind busy all the time. Just as I submitted it, Sadie and Jordan walked up with two boxes.

"Hey Unnie," Jordan called.

I looked over and smiled at her. She was only a few months younger than me but I was happy that for once I wasn't the youngest in the group. As I walked over, I could see the question on both of their faces.

"I didn't really like the shoes I saw," I lied. "I'll probably find some somewhere else. Plus I have shoes at my house that will probably work, and absolute worst case scenario, I could borrow a pair of your guys shoes..." I rambled on hoping it would deter further questions.

I was right.

They nodded and walked over to the counter and paid for their shoes. 


That's all folks~

Well all for today... but yeaaaahhhh~

I hope you guys are enjoying it! After the shopping chapters there will be some backstory on Y/n's fam and shit so that'll be exciting! Again, tysm for reading this I love you for it! I'm sorry for not having more chapters already ready but yeah, soon very soon!

Later bioTchEs~<3

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