Chapter 18

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I don't know why, but this was an easy chapter to write...


Y/n's POV

Sadie yelled at me. I couldn't hear all of what she said, something about going somewhere? After a few moments I could hear shoes pounding down the corridor from the stage. What the fuck? Is someone seriously running right now? Then it dawned on me. Sadie. I took off towards our lounge area at full speed.

Unfortunately there was an unexpected obstacle in my way that wasn't there when I left... In my defense I was distracted. I had just turned to look over my shoulder to see if Sadie was gaining on me at all and when I looked back, WHAMO- straight into what felt like a wall... aannnddd next thing I knew I fell hard onto my ass.

I looked up to see what blocked my way to safety and I was curious why it was talking.

"Damn, you've got some force for a small girl,"

"Watch your mouth boy I can beat you up in a second," I retorted, beginning to stand and brush myself off. Then it occurred to me that the laughter that followed my statement sounded familiar. I looked up and low and behold, the one, the onlllyyy....


I stared at him in confusion, only coming to my senses when I heard Sadie's shoes coming closer.

I shook my head, "What the fuck I must've hit my head when I fell." I looked at the Aussie again. "Damn you look real," I commented as I reached up and pinched his cheek. "Holy shi- OW! Come on now Sadie!" I no longer had much interest in the K-pop Idol standing before me as I was too busy glaring at the girl who just reprimanded me.

"I told you to watch you language," she said scornfully.

"Oof, the mighty Y/n got in trouble?" Jordan laughed while leaning on the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Shut it bitch," I had anticipated Sadie's hit to the back of my head, so I ducked out of the way. Just in time too. "Ha!" I punched the air in triumph. I felt a hand on my shoulder, which was confusing because I knew it wasn't Jordan's hand and the rest of my members were right in front of me.

In self defense I swung my elbow back suddenly into the abdomen of whoever was touching me. I heard a grunt I turned around to see some dude doubled over. I smiled in satisfaction. "Don't mess with me motherfucker."

"Y/n! What the fuck!" Sadie yelled.

All of our eyes widened. I knew I was in big trouble now. Sadie and cussing? Baaaaad mix that only came about when she was absolutely pissed.

"If you would open you damn eyes before you did half of the stupid shit you do, you wouldn't be in near as much trouble all the time! You also wouldn't have hit Bangchan!" Sadie's eyes told of the rage she was somehow containing. I totally deserved that but man did it hurt. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat that had materialized at a reminder of my father's torture. I turned to look down at a recovering Bangchan.

I mustered up a small smile. "Damn looks like you weren't a hallucination," I said in a voice that matched my smile. I offered out my hand to him once he looked up at me. Once he took hold of it, I helped heave him off the ground to an upright position. "Sorry about that," I offered my apology, bowed my head and walked quietly into our group's room.

Once inside I grabbed my backpack with comfy sweat pants and hoodie and made a b-line to the changing room, locking myself in. With my back to the wall, I slid down till I hit the floor. I felt like crying, but somehow, I couldn't make the tears fall. I punched the floor in frustration and crawled over to my bag. Once I finished changing I thought about what just happened moments before outside. God why am I so stupid, I thought while hitting the side of my head forcefully with my fist. Why. Am. I. So. Dumb. With each word came a blow to the head.

Did it hurt? Hell yeah. Did I give a damn? Fuck no.

I heard a knock on the door and someone calling me. The ringing in my head made it hard to hear exactly who it was, but I think it might've been Jordan. The pounding on the door became more insistent and frantic as I switched to punching the floor once I was tired of my head hurting. The rage I had store up from the abuse from my Father and feeling like a failure was beginning to seep out and I couldn't stop it like I usually would. My punches started off rhythmic and steady, but soon became more forceful and irregular matching the frantic knocks on the door. I went on pounding the ground with such force that my hands began to bleed at the knuckles.

Just as my eyes were finally beginning to get misty with tears, the door to the changing room was forced open with a loud bang. I was yanked off the ground by a pair of strong arms.

"No," I choked out. I didn't want to stop. The pain felt good and I could let my emotions out for once. "Let me go!" I yelled squirming, trying to get out of the strong grip that was holding me back.

A low reassuring voice answered me. "Hey, hey, hey. You're fine. Don't do that, you'll hurt yourself."

"Good," I replied. A tear finally made it down my face.

"Good?" I looked up to find the wavering voice. Jordan stood a few feet away from me crying. "Good?" She repeated. "How is hurting yourself good?"

I shrugged as much as I could seeing as someone still had a tight grip on me.

"Can you let me go now?" I whispered, not trusting myself to say it in a full voice.

"No, your hands still need to get bandaged." The mystery voice explained to me.

I looked back at the person to discover it was none other than Bangchan, the leader of Stray Kids. I felt my face grow a bit warmer from the realization and I averted my eyes, down to my trembling hands. They were all bloody and scuffed up. Fortunately none of the blood made it onto my clothes, that would've made me even more upset.

"Can you at least loosen up?" I mumbled to Chan, painfully aware of his proximity and his rather prominent muscles on my back.

He responded by letting go, just enough for me to not be fully crushed by his strength.

Jordan soon approached me with a first aid kit and gently cleaned my knuckles. I felt a chin rest on my shoulder, which I assumed was Bangchan wanting to watch and make sure I didn't squirm away and mess up the bandages. I watched in disapproval as my red knuckles disappeared underneath layers of soft gauze. Once Jordan finished, I pulled the sleeves of my hoodie over them and waited for Bangchan to free my waist and arms.

I waited.

And waited.

"Did you seriously fall asleep dude?" I asked slightly annoyed. I craned my head around uncomfortably to try and see his face. His eyes were wide open, so I have no idea why he was still hol-

(A/n: Obviously because his fake eyes are open🙄

"Seriously Author?! You interrupted me and you story is shit bro"

"Language Y/n!"

"But it's true Sadie!"

A/n: Yeah yeah whatever, back to the story before I delete you bitch)

"You hurt yourself?" Bangchan asks.

I roll my eyes, and attempt to free myself from his grip. Keyword: ATTEMPT. Bangchan holds me back again. He apparently decided to sit down now too, which made me land on his lap sideways as he repeats himself. "You hurt yourself?" This time he looks at my face.

I shrug, "What does it look like?"

The leader frowned and I started fidgeting with my sleeves. Who knew being under his gaze could be so intimidating?

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Uh, can I get up now?"


Yeah, we'll stop it here cus 1. I ran out of steam. 2. This is a longer chapter ending it here, so any farther might be unbearable

I promise I'll post the rest of this chapter(aka the next chapter) later today!!!!


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