Chapter 7

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Reality ends here


After Grandpa died, it was your typical work of fiction. "The Perfect Family Falls to Pieces."

Grandma eventually died of a broken heart a year later the exact same day Grandpa did.

Mom took a deep dive into the hell that is depression. After her mom died it got so bad she took her own life.

Dad kept up his job like a zombie for the few months after Mom's death. Eventually he began going to pub, clubs, bars, basically anywhere he could to get alcohol after working. He would get home later and later, each day coming home more drunk.

He was always... well... rough, but he would never hurt us in any way. After he started drinking though, he started getting more aggressive.

It started out bearable, just some shitty comments here and there. Mainly to me blaming me for everything that happened to us. An occasional slap for "talking back."

He would come home blacked out, then skip work the next day. The pattern continued for several months.

Logan quickly realized it wouldn't be long until Dad lost his job. So he looked around for part time jobs. My brother eventually started working full time at the library which was only a five minute walk from the house.

As expected, Dad got fired and Logan became the only one bringing in money.

It's been like this for a year now. Logan hasn't left me yet although it would be easier for him.

(Present day)

Man it's really dark around here...


What was that? Is someone crying? It sounds so far away...

I feel a faint touch on my head. More specifically a soft hand start at the crown of my head and gently caress down to the side of my face.

"Y/nnie please wake up..."

Who the fuck is that?

Man I'm really tired. Slowly, everything fades back out.

"I'mupmom! Don'tgetthewatersquirter!" I bolt upright in my bed. Bad decision. "FUCK THAT HURTS," I yell out clutching the back of my head. Also bad choice. "OW," I moan out. My arm is definitely heavier than it should be.

"Y/n?" A groggy voice mumbles out.

"Who said that?" I look around in the dimly lighted room.

I see three shadows appear from the floor.

"...What the fuck... I must be hallucinating demons right now... Oh god I think I've gone crazy!"

"No, no, Y/n it's fine we're most defiantly NOT demons! Alright? Jordan turn on the light please so my dimwit sister can see us." Oh, it's just Logan.

"Well that's disappointing," I mutter as the light clicks on. "I was really hoping I died and 3RACHA was in my room..."

A rather obnoxious gasp echoed from the right side of my bed. I turn my head to see a puffy-eyed Jordan about to crush me with a hug. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE her hugs, but right now my body hurts way more than it should.

"PleasebegentleJordan!" I shout out.

"Oh s-sorry Unnie," Jordan mumbles into my chest.

"Aish, it's all right baby," I coo gently patting her head.

"Heeeeyyy don't call me that~ You know I don't like it," Jordan pouts, lifting her head to look me in the eye.

I giggle, "I know but I love it~"

"What about me bitch! I told you if something was happening let us know!" Ah, right. I forgot about Sadie. I made eye contact.


She's a fuming beast at bay right now.

"I was fine..." I trail off.


I can't look up at her right now. "...yeah..."

I hear her scoff. " you have any idea how terrifying it is to be woken up at midnight by someone pounding on the door?" I built up the courage to look at Sadie's eyes. They're glassy with tears now. "I looked out the peephole just to see you brother panicked with blood on his shirt holding you in his arms passed out-" Her voice broke as a tear rolls down her face. Now everyone is crying. Jordan on my chest wrapped safely in my arms, Sadie at the foot of the bed, Logan made no noise turned with his back to us, but you could tell by the way his shoulders shook silently he was crying too. Sadie walked around the side of the bed, kneeled down placing her head next to my hand. "I love you like my own sister," she whispered, "I can't loose you Y/nnie..." She was full-on sobbing now. I slowly caressed her head, shaking from the tears that wouldn't stop pouring.

I gathered enough air to speak, "I'm sorry Unnie," I sobbed.

Eventually, we all fell asleep, exhausted from all the emotions flowing.


I'm curious... did any of you notice I wrote the last chapter like I probably would have 3 years ago? lol I was TERRIFIED to cuss 3 year ago. Freaking was pushing the limits haha. 

Anyway, hope you liked the update~

Love you all thank you for staying here!

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