Chapter 22

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I looked around to see Sadie trying to keep Jordan, Olivia, Halie, Ji-Young and Tsuru occupied. Logan sat looking at his phone blissfully unaware of the chaos surrounding him. I walked over.

"Hey hey," I wrapped my arms around Olivia's neck in an attempt of a back hug. The height difference due to her sitting in a chair made it a little bit uncomfortable.

"Did you kill Stray Kids?" Sadie asked looking around for the three boys.

"No their right..." My voice trailed off as I looked around the building and didn't see them. "Here? I'll go see if they're dead." I released Olivia and went to walk outside.

"Wait for me," I heard Olivia call. I paused and waited for her to run and take hold of my arm. "Ok let's go," she said with a bright smile.

We pushed through the doors into the crisp air. I took a quick glance around the parking lot and caught sight of Hana and Izzy climbing out of their car.

"Hey can you go take Hana and Izzy inside to the others?" I asked Olivia who nodded cutely in response. I squished her cheeks before she skipped over to the older girls leading them inside. Well more like dragging them inside by their arms.

"You're either going to get abducted or freeze to death out here," A voice spoke up from behind me and a jacket was placed around my shoulders.

I turned to find the three Stray Kids looking at me. "Well if you guys wouldn't live up to your name of Stray Kids I wouldn't have had to come out here to fetch you guys." I rolled my eyes. "Come on, everyone's waiting inside." I started to walk back to the warmth of the building. "It's not even that cold out here," I muttered just loud enough for a puppy-like Chan to hear and laugh at, his eyes turning into those perfect little crescent moons. I held the door open as they funneled inside.

"Everyone's going to be jealous," Felix piped up as his stomach made a growling noise.

I giggled at him. "To be fair they all had the opportunity to come," Chan spoke up from behind me.

"Dude why and how are you always behind me whenever your around?" I ask still recovering from the mini heart-attack.

He chuckled. "Why, because I'm used to it. How, because my feet move."

"Dumbass," I whispered.

"Well seeing as your the one asking dumb questions I think that makes you the dumbass," Chan whispered close to my ear.

My face flushed at the proximity as the twerp just stood there laughing. I shook my head to clear my face of its redness as Tsuru, Hana, and Jordan came with the brackets they made earlier in their hands. Halie, who had also been a part of the bracelet making process, stood beside them smiling like a proud mom as they offered the gifts.

"You guys made a lot of those," I stood staring wide-eyed at the numerous colorful braided strings.

Felix happily took at lease three and immediately tried to put them on.

"Come here," I reached over to help him. "You'll break them if you just try to force it over your hand." I untied the ends and wrapped the special bracelets around his wrist then securing them with a bow. "Or do you want it in a slip knot?" I looked up at his face.

"Slip knot please," He smiled. I untied the bows, then retied them to his satisfaction.

"There you go, now think about what you want to order ok?" I watched as he nodded and turned the bracelets around his wrist admiring them.

"YAH!" I slightly yelled. Only loud enough for our group to have their attention turned to me and a few nearby tables turned to see what the commotion was about. I said a quick apology to the surrounding tables then turned my own attention back to the group in front of me. "Follow me, and know your order before you are asked to give it please." I turned around and started walking to the counter to start placing the order.

"Oh thank god!" I breathed a sigh of relief seeing Rose, an employee of the establishment and a friend of mine.

"Hey Y/n!" She chirped happily.

"Hey." I smiled at her. "Starting a shift or about to leave?"

Rose rolled her eyes. "I should be leaving, but some dumbass didn't say he wasn't coming in until two minutes ago, so I'm the one who has to cover for him!"

I frowned pitting her. "Damn, so you've been working from..."

"10 this morning until closing, which means I'll be leaving at like 1:30-2am once all the cleaning is done."

"Oh my god, that's brutal."

"Uh, Y/n?" I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Chan. "Your kids that you are so good at parenting are getting fussy."

I rolled my eyes at his jab. "Chill and order then." I stepped out of the way as he stared wide-eyed at the board. "Are you kidding me? I told you to have your order ready," I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as I walked behind him to Ji-Young. "You have your order?" She nodded with a smile. "Good, tell Rose ok?" She nodded again and walked up and placed her order, then went and sat down. The process repeated until it was only Chan, Seungmin, and me left.

"What's in a..." Seungmin tried to pronounce a word. Eventually he gave up and pointed at the board.

"A Flying Dutchman?" I asked. He nodded. "It's a burger without the buns basically." He nodded.

In his adorable accented English he decided on his food and gave his order to Rose.

"Your up Mr. I'm Such a Good Parent and SO Decisive." I nudged Chan's shoulder with my own.

"Don't be flexing your height on me now," He met my gaze with drawn eyebrows and a frown.

I rolled my eyes for the nth time and gently pushed him to the side. "I'll take a Hamburger, Protein Style, Animal Style a side of fries and a Neapolitan Shake please," I rattled off. One glance at Chan and I waved him off. "I'll order for you just go," I shook my head as he smiled and waddled off to the rest of the group. "Sorry about that Rose."

"I don't blame you, how many you paying for? Like 10?"

"13," I corrected. "Add another Cheeseburger, Animal Style, Animal Fries, and a fountain drink."

"Ok. Your total will be $263.75." My eyes widened in shock. "Want my employee discount code?" Rose asked reading my mind.

"That would be a life-saver," I nodded furiously.

"Ok, your new total is $232.10. Sorry, my discount is only 12%" Rose said sheepishly.

"It's fine, it's better than nothing." I shook my head as I tapped my credit card on the machine.

"Your number is 76," She pointed to the bottom of the receipt. "I wish you luck keeping them all in check." Rose glanced over at the chaos unfolding at the soda machine as Logan provided a bad influence by putting some of every flavor into his cup. I watched in disgust as everyone followed suit.

"Yeah," I looked back at Rose as she handed me Chan's soda cup.

I walked away from the register as there were people waiting to order.

This'll be fun


No I did NOT go to In-N-Out and order 13 full meals to find how much it costed, but I DID do a google search on the average price for one person, then multiplied by 13 and added some more on there for some wiggle room.

It was painful. Only for you guys I swear.


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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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