Chapter 13

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I woke up to the warm sunshine floating in through my window and onto my face. I groggily sat up and rubbed my eyes, taking a glance at the clock.

8:15 am

I picked up my phone to see a few texts from Sadie and Jordan.


Wake up

We need to leave at 9:30 for the festival

My baby🥰

Y/nnie, I need you in my room at 8:30 or you go barefaced

WaKe uP BitCh


I smiled at the texts and got up walking next-door.

I walked into my friends' apartment since we both left our front doors unlocked often. As I passed the kitchen, I noticed Sadie pouring herself a glass of milk.

"I'm here Eomma," I greeted with a smirk as she turned around.

Sadie rolled her eyes, "Jordi is waiting for you in her room bitch."

I laughed and waved my fingers as I left to Jordan's room. I knocked on the door before poking my head in.

"Hi hi~" I said as I waddled into the room. "Where are you~"

Jordan's head popped out from the bathroom. "I'm right here."

I cat walked into the area and watched a Jordan pulled out boxes of all shapes and sizes filled with makeup.

"Can you take these two boxes to the vanity out there?" Jordan asked as she handed me the said boxes.

"Yep," I took them from her hands and walked back into her bedroom, placing them on the countertop of the vanity.

Jordan carried the remaining boxes out and set them down. "Why are you still standing? Sit, sit!" Jordan waved me down into my seat in front of the brightly lit mirror. Clasping her hands together with a smile, she says, "Let's start!"

Jordan began working on her master piece on my face.

"Don't screw up," I joked with a smirk that earned me a playful slap on the back of my head. "Hey, watch you manners bitch I'm older than you, not to mention stronger," I rolled my eyes as I flexed my arm out to display my nearly non-existent arm muscles.

Jordan let out a snort, "Muscles? You?" She started laughing hysterically.

"Yah~ it's not my fault! It's really hard to make them show up! It's like my muscles are named Logan and they got invited to a social event." Jordan's laughter intensified with my joke about my brother, and I started to laugh too.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Sadie said clearly judging us by the look on her face. "Y'all are supposed to be doing makeup not rolling on the floor like monkeys and sounding like dying birds." How the hell does she keep such a straight face bro?

After a small slap for each of us to "get our shit together or else..." and a few minutes to calm ourselves, the artist, Jordan, finally finished the base and concealer.

The next hour was spent chasing the perfect eye liner and eye shadow.

"Ugh!" Jordan cried out in frustration, wiping the cat eyeliner off for the fifth time.

I sighed wanting to be done, "Hand it over."

"Yeah like I'd do that, you never wear this stuff so just sit tight girlie," Jordan said with a straight face.

"I said hand it over bitch," I repeated flatly.

Jordan finally gave it to me with a sigh.

I leaned closer to the brightly light mirror, concentrating on steadying my hand. I gently held my eyelid down with my left hand and started slowly from the inside of my eye drawing a line to the middle of the lid. I leaned back to check my work, then leaned back in to finish it. This time I made a little dot where I wanted the line to end. As I worked, I would periodically lean back to make sure it looked alright. After about 3 minutes I had a perfect cat eye. With a smug look, I leaned back looking at Jordan's shocked face.

"...what the fuck..." she whispered.

"Number one, I told you, so in your face bitch. And number two, I'm telling Sadie you just said fuck, I'm sure she'll be really happy," I teased. I smiled at the reaction I had hoped to get, a look of panic replaced a shocked one.

"No! Please no. Come on, I thought you loved me! You wouldn't want me to die right?" Jordan began to plead and beg.

I watched amused and rolled my eyes yet again. "Pabo, I would tell her yet you still have to finish the look."

After another few minutes the look was complete. Just in the nick of time too because just as Jordan and I finished putting the supplies away Sadie sashayed into the room.

"We gotta go now. Jordi, Olivia said she was having trouble with her makeup so you're going to need to bring a few of your makeup cases. Y/n what are you doing standing there? Come help me load the outfits into the car. Chop chop we need to go!" With her final order, Sadie practically ran out of the room.

I slowly walked backwards mocking Sadie to the delight of Jordan.

After packing the car, we all piled in, including Logan who would be in charge of taking pictures of us performing for our socials. We even left at 9:27, a whole three minutes before when we needed to, which made Sadie very happy.

3rd pov

Sadie drove the group of four. After a 53 minute drive, they arrived at the site at 10:20 am.

Rolling up to the gate and Sadie rolled down her window for the gate guard.

"Hello," she smiled sweetly. "We're here to perform."

"Artist name," the poor guy sounded like he had been there for hours and was dying of boredom.

"QueenKard," was Sadie's quick response. She realized he didn't want to be there so she wouldn't be the one to keep him.

"Oh, Do you have the confirmation email?" He asked. For some reason he seemed like he perked up a little after hearing the girls' group name.

"Yep, here you go."

The guard scanned the barcode at the bottom and nodded. "When you get to the next guard, his name is Jerry, tell him you're part of QueenKard and he'll direct you to the artist and staff parking. I listened to your music, not gonna lie, it's pretty fire. Tell the girl who wrote it good job and keep it up."

Sadie smiled and thanked him for Y/n as the younger girl was gently snoring on the comfortable head rest she found, aka Jordan.



Guessing's over it's me.

I low-key expected the entire festival to be over in this chapter but I had too much fun writing the banter between Jordi and Y/n sooooo... yeah


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