Chapter 18 Who to Trust (Leopold)

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Chapter 18 Who to Trust

As Leopold made his way across the horrible landscape of slime pits and so many shades of green slime, it was clear that no one in their right mind would want to live here.
A pair of eyes watched the young officer making his way towards certain danger.
Some ways away, Sarge's binocular device spotted leopold coming his way. "Okay, I'm up. Prepare the Dogonal."
With that Rob, a purple looking slime slimed his way over to a lever on a big circular contraption, that sat amongst the rubble of the destroyed craft.
Sarge entered the device which lit up and whirred around. When the device finally stopped, . . . out came Leopold . . . or at least a good look-alike.

Trunks Location
"Thanks . . . Mister . . ." Trunks stated dawning the green hooded coat. 'A Saiyan . . .?' Floating back out into space, Trunks figured the guy probably had his reasons for keeping well hid, and tried to focus his attention on the task at hand.
On one hand he had to keep the ship from plummeting into the huge planet, and on the other hand, he had to try to defeat the metal creatures who were attacking the ship and sending those on it down to certain death.
'I should go after the attackers first' Trunks thought.
"Go after the villains first, Trunks." Vegeta directed, just as Trunks had thought to.
'A bit easier said than done', Trunks reasoned, 'but if this were a job . . . then I was sure to be feeling the aches and pains at the end of my day' . Okay Trunks . . . lets get to work.'
Immediately Trunks flew at the strongest opponent . . . the silver metal man, letting go a barrage of kicks, punches, blocks, and what ever else he could get in there.
Nothing landed on the metal man who was exceptionally fast and solid, however Trunks also did not get hit either.
Trunks could see the passenger ship descending in the Background.
"A little help mom . . ."
"Hungh . . .?" Bulma looked confused and then realised he was asking for more power.
"Fifteen percent . . . " Vegeta informed.
Bulma released the shields restriction on Trunks chest by fifteen percent. And not a second sooner, as the silver slime sent his fastest punch toward Trunks' still hurting jaw,
"Wham!" Trunks caught the flying hand by its wrist. The effects of new release in power was still cutting in . . . His heart starting to "thud", pounding heavily in his chest. No way was he ready yet, but that's the thing about fending off bad guys . . . They do not always play fair.
'How in the world am I supposed to fight whilst increasing in power', but it was all to obvious, he hadn't a choice.

Goten after work
"Tell me more Gori." Goten said to a very small and injured, but cute alien whom he had never seen before.
"Okay Goten. . ." Gori complied holding onto his bruised and battered hand. "So as I stood in the distance, watching this space patrol person . . . I knew that he was heading for certain death . . . Just like the other space patrol guy . . . Puluto . . ."

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