Chapter 10 Back to the Good Times

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Chapter 10

Back to the Good Times

The slaves continued breaking rocks apart, and this time very gladly so.
The blue alien had gotten better. It only took him a week to be out and about. Though, for some strange reason, he was not allowed to leave the huge dungeon, though clearly you could see that he was a male, but instead the watchers kept an extra close eye on him.

Just before lunch, Goten went down to the big underground lake. The other children had already gathered some rocks together. Going and standing in front of the boys, Goten readied himself for what was to come next. Placing on some protective goggles and a mouth guard Goten braced himself.
"Okay guys, now remember, do not hit any vital organs, and we will start with a soft throw so that I can get warmed up.
"Ookkaayy Ggootteenn." the many little youth echoed ". . . Are you readdyy?."
All of the little children took up the hard rocks and readied themselves.
Goten had seen his big brother Gohan do this while he was training with the tough half Saiyan. If it worked for Gohan, it should work for him as well and help him to increase his speed and reaction time.
"Okay guys . . . let me have it."
"Shooo, shooo, shooo. Shooo, shooo, shook, shook, shooo, shioo, shoo, shooo, shooo, shoo, shooo . . ."
"Thump, thump, thump, thump-thump, thump, thump, thu-thump, thump, thump, thump . . . "
"AAgkhhgk!!" Little Goten screamed out and dropped to the ground bleeding; Blood and bruises all over. Not only did every rock find its target, but the little Saiyan had not managed to dodge one of the thrown rocks.
The female workers were there in a flash to rush him to the infirmary, once again.
No one could tell what exactly he was trying to attain, for all that happened would be him being rushed off to the infirmary.
They did not understand this kind of training, but Goten seemed almost, determined . . . like he had an objective in his mind.
"I told you to hold backkkk . . ." Goten groaned to one of the little fellows who ran alongside him as he was being rushed away.
"But we were. We cannot throw any slower than that, or the rocks will arch. Even my little sister could catch one, if I had thrown mine any slower . . . "
Goten fell back in the moving cart feint. This was going to be an impossible task. They had to get help . . . but from where . . ? Who would be strange enough to risk his life for such a poor, helpless people.

"Goten . . . come . . . let's go over by the range."
"Where to trunks?"
The two youths flew along with a pack of migrating ducks, before falling away.
"Later guys, have a nice trip," and they waved goodbyes to the now accustomed ducks.
"Mom said dad was training over there and we should take him his lunch."
"Wow, we get to see him training. Let's go on foot so he won't see us coming." Goten suggested.
"Okay." And the two landed and started off laughing on foot.
Minutes later, the two peeped out from behind the rocks to see Vegeta training.
"Thom-pe-tew, Thom-pe-tew, Thom-pe-tew . . .!"
'What is he doing?' Goten wondered.
Vegeta was throwing several heavy iron balls across the distance in several directions and then moving fast enough to catch and throw themback again . . . without loosing one.
"Smack!-Smack!-Smack!" Suddenly all three balls came down in pieces under his powerful punches.
Grabbing his towel Vegeta wiped off his brow. "You can come out now Trunks . . , and you too Goten."
"Wow how did you know we were there? We had completely hidden our power levels."
"Well . . . training of course . . ."
"Ha, ha, come on dad." Trunks laughed, "Dad has gained an incredible six sense after trying to sneak out from mom."
Vegeta's face turned red.
"I don't need to sneak out from your mom. "Smack!"
And Trunks was rubbing his face.
It was weird that their family kept together with everyone beating up the other, all except Trunk's mom of course, no one even dared assault her because of her proud but very dangerous husband. And yet, Trunk's mom had a really mean slap when agitated.
" . . . Wow dad, only last week you were training with one ball, and now you are at three, that's the fastest I've seen you move . . . anyone move for that matter, and you haven't even ascended."
"Humh!" . . . "I bet Kakarot also has something he does as well." Vegeta said, eying the son of the powerful Kakarot.
"Well . . ." young Goten thought back to his dad a few weeks ago . . . . .

. . . . "Ewe! You smell awful, out with you, and don't come in until you have goten a bath, and you too Goten."
"But Chi Chi I'm hungry, all of that training . . ."
"Boosh." A gush of water flew at Goku who barely dodged it."
"Awe come on dad." Goten stood by their water drum holding a dripping bucket.
"If you can get me wet, then I'll take you where ever you want tomorrow."
Goten's head lowered to the ground, and he turned and walked around to the back of the house.
"Aw come on Goten . . ." the tough Saiyan pleaded, disappointed that he had saddened the boy.
Suddenly water came showering down from the sky.
"What, its raining?"
"Ha, ha, ha!" "Gotcha dad!" Goten yelled from their roof top, standing on high, with the hose showering down the water.
Three days later his dad stood in the lightly drizzling rain, moving as fast as his might could . . . no . . . faster, in order to dodge every drop of the rain water that poured down from the sky . . .
'What a guy', Goten thought as he stood by the window watching, his dad in full concentration.
"Goku . . . what do you think you're doing? Go take a bath . . . moments later, Chi Chi was dragging the strongest thing on the plant by the ears towards their bath-house.
"Its okay Goten, Its going to be alright . . ."

" . . . It's going to be alright Goten." Goten woke up to see a very young captive girl rinsing off a slightly bloodied rag, only to come and wipe off his wounds. "You are a fast healer . . . I know, because dad says you will help us get out of here"
Suddenly, the young boy was back to the present.
'If there was one good thing about going unconscious', the young half Saiyan thought, it was that, for a moment, he was back home again.

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