Chapter 7 The true and the most righteous 'King of All'

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Chapter 7

The true and the most righteous 'King of All'

    The Earth looked forlorn to us. Death and carnage was everywhere. _Dad looked sad also.
    "Genny . . ?!" And we were off to look for mom.
"Have you seen Genny my wife?"
    But the people wouldn't answer. They were either staring at the green alien, or at Connel, and none answered for fear.
    "I will stay over there, at the base of that rocky mountain . . . The two of you can go look for your Genny." The green alien stated calmly.
    We all agreed, and was off again.
    Eventually . . . we found mom. She had been hiding at the base of the same cliff that we had so long ago dove off of, when the aliens had kidnapped dad. All that time she had spent searching and then waiting for us, as if she had known somehow, that we would return, and was ecstatic to see us home alive and well.
    We ate and laughed, and sleeping in my bed again was a very great comfort, though it was some inches shorter than I remember.
    Days passed and we informed everyone of what we had seen outside of life on earth, of which they soon became afraid of me when they heard that I was now a fused being.
We also had our share of shock, when we found out that two other types of alien races had also paid a visit after we had left. Some even killed the Burter troops that had remained.
"I'd say your planet is on the market." The Namek informed us, showing up out of nowhere scene.
"What do you mean 'on the market'?"
"Well, my name is Endifor, and I am a Namekian. A race that had never existed you see. Our forefathers, . . . we were slug-like creatures, as you have in your gardens . . . only, we feasted on the gardens of some who fancied themselves as gods."
"We were much welcomed, so much welcomed that we were everywhere, eating everything that were plants, you might say. We also had the ability to morph ourselves into what ever we touched. But alas, we overstayed our welcome." as he spoke he seemed to drift off in thought.
    "So much so that our 'host', you might call him, brought together dragonballs, huge as planets. He wanted to give us our own world, away from his, as we were now everywhere he turned; in his tea cup, in his hair, in his food, everywhere. So he wished us to a great big planet, full of water and edible vegetation, as we liked. But something went wrong . . . or right. For this person, wished for us to be our own people. We became people alright, but some of us were already on the Dragonballs as we were everywhere, and metamorphosized with the dragonballs, medicinal herbs, our host, and other things. So our state, though neutral, have produced children who can heal, or that can create minor dragonballs. These balls, though limiting the dragon that comes forth, have the same ability to grant wishes, as the more super, dragonballs."
    "But where did the dragon come from? Surely not from being trapped within those dragonballs." I pondered out loud.
    "Well . . . as I heard it from my ancestors, it is said that there was another galaxy that contained dragons of some kind. They were powerful, very powerful. So powerful, that one exceeded the powerful norm, and in his hand his image would stand up to the God . . . Luckily someone spotted him and that evil creature's deeds were revealed through him . . ." Endifor stopped to point at something.
    Everyone turned in surprised to see who Endifor was pointing at . . . and there, beside the tree stood a little man . . . called the 'king of all.'
    The little man though friendly turned and just vanish as if walking through some unseen portal.
    "Who was that?" Dad asked.
    "T-that . . . that was the 'king of all'." The Namekian said trembling.
    "Who . . . I mean, what? The king o -" I defended.
    "Our God Jehovah is the almighty and there is no one higher." I defended strongly. And nothing has happened outside of Him knowing." Gluber added.
    "Oh . . . we call him the king of all, because there is supposedly none greater . . . amongst the ones who have called themselves gods." Endifor tried to explain his understanding.
    "No, he should not be named, 'the King of all'".
    "Do not say that, he could wipe you out, and this whole existence, if he heard you."
    "No he won't, for I have already said it, and here we are still."
    " . . . so . . , you, think . . ." The green alien was afraid to even imagine.
    "I think he is a bad person who has cloaked himself . . . " I stated suspiciously. ". . . But I could be wrong."
    "But the powerful dragon had been destroyed . . . and . . . and his galaxy with him . . ." The alien defended.
    "I do not know what went wrong with your story, but that cannot be the King of everything."
    "And why not?!" Endifor rage, now feeling his ancestors tale being challenged.
    "Because the God of everything . .  remains invisible . . . and his son, for He has a son, does not come in the flesh world to walk as lowly as we see each other any more, but brings you to see him and to know him."
    Endifor fell silent, and for the rest of the day he spent recalibrating his history, and what if they could have possibly went wrong. The tale had been told through so many generations to be able to verify its authenticity . . . or if someone had twisted part of it . . . but who . . . and why?

    ". . . . Let us say for a moment that you are correct . . . it is rumoured, that we could one day realise a Namekian much like our past host, who was supposedly of those that named themselves gods."
    "There is only one real God. We Earthlings call him Jehovah." I defended. " . . . However after what we have seen these past years, there is now no telling how vast HIS powers are and what we have to do for Him."
    "I am still not convinced . . . " The Namekian pondered.
    " . . . Look at it from this point of view," Gluber tried to reason. "If He is not the 'King of All' . . . why would He let you think that he was?"
    " . . . Well, their powers are reported as such . . . but I have no doubt that your God, may also have some fallibility to existence." End for concluded.
    "So why the story now?" Gluber asked.
    "Well, we had used our abilities . . , unafraid . . . and soon, others who were foreigners heard, and even though many doubted, some believed." Concern  gripped Endifor. " . . . Because we were afraid that some would try to exploit our 'gifts', we had had to change planets, and in doing so, we found that there were some planets that were up for sale. Little did we know, that many of those inhabitants were . . . exterminated . . ," Endifor's gaze lowered in shame, ". . . to make room for us."

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