Chapter 23 What's Due (Due) "Du-e"

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Chapter 23
What's Due


cross the vast slimey landscape . . .
"Tueek" Goten appears. Looking around his gaze settles on a ship in the distance . . .
Leopold struggled for dear life as Sarge (still in the form of a Leopold) hold the space alien up with one hand by his throat.
"Where did he go?"
"I don't know . . . where . . he . . . went . . ." Leopold looked like he was about to pass out.
Goten flew in and let go a barrage of kicks and punches but Sarge just parried them away like he was swatting flies. Finally Goten swung a kick at the alien's head and the alien slapped it away, as Goten fell backwards he brought up his other fight to kick Sarge on the hand holding Leopold.
Leopold fell to the ground and was quick to run behind the young Saiyan.
"Where did you learn those moves?" Sarge asked, unbothered from the attack.
"My dad . . ." Goten replied, eyes observing the two slimes in the background behind the copycat alien.
"I see he has trained you well . . . 'Wouldv'e liked you meet him . . . he must be a real challenge if you are only a kid."
"I don't think you would've." 'No doubt dad would've been glad for the workout though.'
"You think you can take me . . . You couldn't even beat Due . . . and he's the weakest of us all . . . I keep telling him to 'work out', train . . . but you know kids nowadays . . . always playing with some device or the other."
"Let Leopold go . . ." Goten wasn't certain that he could take them on, seeing what he had seen already on this side of space . . . but maybe if he could get Leopold to bring trunks here . . . then maybe they could even the odds out a little.
". . . . . . ."
". . Okay . . . If I can beat Due . . . then you release Leopold unharmed."
"Sure . . . sure kid. . . Might as well get some entertainment while we are here: Besides . . . Due needs the training."

Trunks Location
Back on the huge passenger ship that sat out in space waiting for Leopold's return; Trunks still in his fighting form was finding it hard to relax and his power just would not subside but instead stayed at it's current peak. The isles leading through the big ship was winding and more narrow that he would have though, and in almost every room he past were occupants. Some folk nodded to him in approval and some gave him strange food to eat. The young Saiyan's mind however was on one thing . . . meeting the mystery relative.
Coming to a dark passage Trunks was ushered to a dark door by his alien host. "In here".
He opened the door, and Trunks walked in the eerily dark room.
"Hi" Trunks greeted, knowing if they could understand him. "Can . . . you . . . understand me."
"Yes . . . We can." the burrowly voice of the Saiyan man announced. "You . . . are a Saiyan."
"Yes . . . and so are you . . ." Trunks replied calmly.
Vegeta was watching intently as he wondered who this Saiyan was . . . or was he dangerous. Another Saiyan always posed a threat . . . if it was unknown how strong they were and . . .
"Are you friend or foe?" Trunks asked, being careful to maintain an eye on his comrade. 'None of them seemed a bit concerned . . . Maybe they were both weak.'
"Somethings wrong Trunks . . ." Vegeta wispered in his son's air piece.
"I am not what you would expect . . ." the stranger replied. "My name is Pierce. I am but an 'escort' . . . and a 'weak' one at that, but none the less an escort.
"I think he is trying to tell him something." Bulma interjected, both concerned and suspect at the new turn of events.
"I know . . . I know"
"Knock, knock, . . knock."
"Who is it?" Bulma yelled to the door.
"It's me, Bulma."
"Oh great . . . Kakarot."
"Hi, Vegeta . . . Can I come and watch?"
"No Goku, where busy!"
"Awh come on."
"Can't a husband and wife have some alone time without you coming around?"
"I know what you are doing in there Vegeta . . . Its my son too . . ."
"Aahghhhh!" He was right but Vegeta still didn't want Kakarot to see what was going on. Goku (Kakarot) had a knack for taking of with his instant transmission and getting them in trouble with Whis and Berus.
"Not this time Kakarot . . . My son's life might depend on it."
"Awh come on Vegeta, I thought we were best friends".
"Sphehht". Vegeta sputtered in shock. Best friends? They almost killed each other the first time they had met. Were always competing for who was strongest. Not to mention trying to protect the weak excuse for a planet, in fact the most powerful thing that this planet has is the annoying habit of making people go soft, and that is why he had to keep some 'dignity' of his Saiyan heritage alive . . . the will to fight. To besides, he didn't like it when Goku saw how he was training or how he was training Trunks, as it could take away any edge that he had of beating Kakarot once and for all.
"Dad . .? Are you still there?" the mic sputtered.
". . . Yes, I am here Trunks . . . What is it?"
"I think they are back."
"The metal men . . ."

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