Chapter 17 Where There is a Will . . . (???)

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Chapter 17

Where There is a Will . . .

Looking all around, the rooms and halls were full of cowering alien people and their little ones.
Looking back out at the pirates, they had already started to return to their ships.
Now that they were out of the way, Trunks saw fluid flowing from a hole in the wall, and seeing it quench the weird fire, Trunks concentrated, and using his hands orchestrated the fluid to bend, and then spray on the fire.
Barely able to do so. The little youth in his new transformation exited the ship, and drawing forth more of the fluid, started to out fire, by fire.
"Rayyyy, Squawkk yelp!!!!" There was a burst of hoorays from the passengers as the last fire went out.
Many waved happily and smiled at their good fortune. However, little Trunks still had to stop the ship crashing on to the planet.
As the vessel burst through the atmosphere the heat caused another fire to restart.
Quickly Trunks made a barrier on the opening. Concentrating even harder, the little boy formed another, and then another, and the another barrier until he had secured that side of the ship.
'I just hope this is the only side those rebels had attacked. Keeping up his concentration young Trunks entered one of the barriered holes in the ship, . . . to await the entry, and hope for the best.

Leopold's Ship Location
[For reading purposes many alien languages must be translated for you]
"Har, har, har." A pink gooey substance bubbled on the planet. "Finally, I can get off this stinking planet."
Going over to a damaged ship, he yelled. "Due!" "Good shot, ma' boy. Get out here."
A gooey figure came from behind the damaged ship's huge cannon. "I told you I could do it, Sarge."
"Great, shot . . . Now where is Rob?!"
"Must be eating more of that salmonila plant that tastes great."
"Tell him to get out here, lest we have a good fight on our hands."
Due hobbled off to find Rob.
Meanwhile, Leopold fought hard to control the crashing ship. Suddenly a door opened and some robots came out and outed the fire, and started to sweep up the debris . . , as the ship plummeted towards the rugged terrains.
"*Planet inhabitable* Air quality slightly toxic* Life sustainability . . . four years* . . , Gravity equal to Earth's* Atmospheric . . .*" The ship announced. "*Descent is too rapid . . . no override . . . Attempt to land safely*"
The ship's boosters came to life again and the ship slowed down to a more reasonable descent.
Minutes later the ship was rested on the reddish dirt planet. The few trees in sight were deep green and bunched like grouped forests across the terrain.
Leopold got up and fetching his trusty gadgets, he eased to open the door.
"Leopold . . ?" ". . . Leopold?" Bulma stuttered over the intercom.
"Yes . . . I am still alive."
"I am glad that you are alive . . ." came a calm female voice. "But look what your arrogance has done! You know . . .!"
It was more obvious that she was enraged to the point that her shouting may take an hour before it abated . . . an hour that he did not have.
Exiting the ship, Leopold could hear the woman's angry voice trailing him from even a mile away. It was obvious that she could not see him because of the busted cameras' wires, but he was still glad that the audio link stayed intact. He just had to find his comrade in arms, before he could think of how to get the ship working . . . and get off of the planet.

Back to Trunks Location
The captain of the passenger ship had turned on the big ship's boosters, slowing the massive vessel's entry, . . . and then reversing the ship slowly . . . but steadily into outer space.
Some alien repairmen started spraying the huge holes in the ship with a creamy liquid which expanded and then hardened like steel.
Everything was going well . . .
"*Squee squaw squee squaw!*" the ship's alarms roared.
Someone was attacking the ship.
Looking out one of the still open holes, Trunks saw that the metallic aliens had also boarded up the holes in their ship with similar substance, and had returned to attack them.
Looking around at the waiting crew who were ready to board up that hole, he felt the stares of the aliens, who seemed more dutiful than anything else.
The giant vessel was now about to re-enter the atmosphere being pushed by the force of the attacks.
"Here!" A tough looking man threw a jacket at him. The man looked familiar somehow . . . "Its made of very special policoating . . . It should keep you safe from the planets acid . . . should you need it . . ."
"Thanks . . ." Trunks said placing on the green jacket . . .
And then he saw it . . . the tail . . . like his.

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