Chapter 26 Who I Am (Trunks and Goten)

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Chapter 26

Who I Am

“Where’s Goten?” The Puluto/Leopold imposter questioned.
“He left . . .”
“ . . . and went for something.”
Puluto (imposter) looked towards the little female alien that had interrupted Gori.
“And who might you be?”
“No one you’d like to mess with.” Little Plumula replied with as much spunk as she could muster.
The cat was already out of the bag. Puluto could sense the tension in the air, and looking around noticed that others were trying their best not to look suspicious of him. There was no time to loose. Puluto turned to head for the exit . . . and everyone had an idea where he was going . . . or at least who he was going to complain to.

Goten, knew Trunks was now here, and by the sound of it, was in a fight of his own. . . ‘Trunks is sure to brag about some knew thing he learned . . . I better polish up my skills too on this alien before I show him a thing or two.
Goten rushed fowards and Due just stood waiting for him to attack. Instead Goten just stood inches in front of the Gori (Imposter).
“. . . . hu . .”
Due had gotten tired of the waiting game and lifted a hand to strike Goten, but the little boy was swift to strike the alien on his rising hand with as much downward force as he could muster, sending Due’s hand right down back to its position at his side.
“ . . . Hu . . hu . .”
“Whack, whack”
Due’s combo kick and punch were also sent back to their position with a down ward punch and kick from the now SuperSaiyan.
Looking a bit panicky Due started the scuffle with torrents of blows but little Goten was stricking them all . . . back to their original positions till the Due started feeling the absurd effect of a huge torrent of water filled with huge boulders being dumped unto of him, as Goten continually let out a barrage of attacks.
“ . . Whack, whack, whump, whump, whum-whump, whump whump . . .”
Blows were now raining down on Due who could do nothing to stop them as blow after blow started to rain down on the once confident alien slime.
“Wham! Wham! Whammm!!. . .”
One hard punch to the face and then two hard kicks sent Due flying into the distance, hitting a tree and then bouncing into a slowly bubbling slime pit, for the K.O.
All eyes were on the pool of slime in the distance . . . but nothing . . . Due was gone.
“Well, well, well.” Sarge stated looking impressed. “I am amazed that you got that weakling beat. In fact I will honour my words . . . Your friend here the space agent . . . is free to go.”
Leopold did not need to be told twice, and quickly headed for the space ship . . .
“Hold on there buddy . . .” Sarge stated looking at Leopold. “I said that you can go . . . not the ship.”
Leopold’s heart almost sank right down to his shoes. ‘He couldn’t leave with out his spaceship’.
Goten on the other hand stood with a slight grin through his still battered but now golden glowing face. “Who’s next.”

Goku stood grinning at Vegeta . . . who could feel his grin from the back of his head. Goten had already beaten one of his foes . . . but what about Trunks . . .

Trunks situation was also improving as he dashed about trying to hit Silver whilst dodging Red.
Finally having enough of this. Trunks concentrated and constantly delved deeper in the the inner pools of his strength.
Trumps feeling far more fit at the new increase in power flew forwards and dealt a surprised blow to his face.
Quickly pelting fists to his face, Trunks had Silver reeling backwards in an attempt to dodge the oncoming armada of blows barely dodging every other punch. . . Red was all the while up behind Trunks letting go a fury of attacks with nothing hitting the dodging SuperSaiyan youth.
This continued for a while, with the whole ship impressed with the once beaten up boy’s resilience to turn the table on his foes.
Vegeta was booming with joy at his son’s accomplishment which outweighed Goku’s son’s. Dodging on alien who was attacking furiously from behind, whilst pummelling the stronger one in front every other blow was surely one for the books.
Kakarot grinned at the sight also . . . he knew Trunks was doing something impressive, and he knew that his once rival Vegeta was beaming on the inside with pride, even with his serious face.

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