Chapter 24 Life Line (Trunks)

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Chapter 24

Life Line

"Are you coming?" Trunks ask the older Saiyan, in front of his compadre.
"No . . , I think I will sit this one out."
'What sort of Saiyan refuses the chance for a good fight', Trunks thought as he made his way down the path way and towards an opening in the ship. 'Maybe he doesn't have any space contraption nor any way to breath in space . . . Nah . . . everyone in this error seemed hightec and capable in some way or another. What ever the deal was . . . he'd have to get back to that later . . . there was more grim things to deal with.

Meanwhile else where . . .
Due stopped dragging the Dragonal to Leopold's ship . . . taking a look at the young Goten, the slime eased his way into the Dragonal . . . Lights were flying, electric out bursts . . . and finally . . . out came Gori.
"Gori . . .?" Goten asked confused and in total shock. He wanted to go hug the little alien who had helped him.
"That isn't Gori . . . Goten . . ." Leopold informed, not very surprised . . . but left to wonder . . . 'who was Gori?'
"But he . . ."
"Wham!" the Gori (slime) shot forwards and kicked Goten on is quickly blocking hand, the force sending Goten stumbling sideways.
"Swiffff" "Wham" "Blup!" a faked swing kick followed by the other foot licked down Goten's attempted block with the first foot coming around again for a front kick to Goten's chest.
The alien pounce in fast to give the little Saiyan several blows to his face, and every time Goten tried to raise his hands to block he received a blow to his hands that sent them back down at his side.
Finally Goten let go a barrage of wild punches and uncaring kicks just to get the alien from off of him, beating him up.
This was unreal. Every hit this alien gave was like a mountain falling on him. He couldn't keep up his block under such weight.
The fight hadn't even started yet and already he was at a huge disadvantage.
" . . huh", The Sarge stood with a big wide smirk on his face, like that was nothing.
'Alright then, let's see if we can't find a weak spot.'
The young Saiyan flew in with another barrage of kicks and punches whilst trying to keep his hands up in a fighting position to block. The two seemed to be fairly equal in the fight but Goten's hands were very soon being pushed back to his sides as he tried to block Gori's (slime) kick's and punches. It was almost like Gori was deliberately attacking his blocks in an effort to weaken his defence before pummelling the youth with hard blows to his body.
It didn't take long for pain to be all over Goten's chest, stomach, face, and arms.
Goten tried to swing wild as before to get the alien off of him . . . but the alien wouldn't let up at all. Goten was in trouble and the blows were starting to weaken him.
"G'aackhh!" Goten screamed out in pain as Gori (slime) continued to rain down the blows most heavily . . . but he was the calvary . . . who could be coming to save him?
"G' aaaaaaaackkhhhh!!!" Due seemed to be overly enjoying this as Goten screamed out in pain. It felt like the whole sea with bolders was dumped cruelly on him.
"No!!" Leopold shouted running fowards . . . but Sarge was quick to place a hand to stop the space trooper from advancing any further.
"You wanted a way out . . . did you not . . ?" Sarge questioned with his own personal glee . . . "Well . . . this is it."

Spaceship passengers quarters
"You think you can help the boy?" The other figure in the room asked his comrade in arms.
". . . No . . . he has this strange ability to turn in to that . . beast . . . like it could help him . . ." Pierce answered gloomily. "Maybe we should see what else tricks the boy has before we join in to help him."
" . . . You mean 'IF' we decide to help him . . . don't you?" the strange man answered from their room.
Trunks floated slowly back out into space to see the Silver metal man and the purple metal man standing awaiting his exit from where he was.
This was going to hurt . . . Trunks knew it . . . the question was . . . how bad.

Dbs Dragon Ball: Gaius: Goten's Saga Season 2 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें