Chapter 30 Welcome to the Slime Games

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Chapter 30

Welcome to the Slime Games

"Whack . . . Whack . . . . . Whack!"
Goten came slowly out of unconsciouness . . . at the sound of something solid lashing something else soundly.
Opening his eyes slowly, two blurry objects were moving in the distance.
There was something stuck in his throat . . . out of natural reaction the little boy swallowed it to get it out of the way.
As he tried to get up, he felt dizzy . . . as the objects in the distance became clearer and clearer to his focus . . . "Whack . . . Whack . . . . . Whack!"
As little Goten blinked away the blurriness, Rob came into view holding Leopold up in the air as he slapped and beat, the almost lifeless body in his hand.
Rage swelled up in Goten and in a burst of speed he was off, his strength suddenly coming back and overflowing where it had been at previously, causing the boy to burst into his SuperSaiyan form.
It did not dawn on him that it was now taking little effort to go into the once very difficult transformation.
Rob let go of the bleeding and battered Leopold to face Goten, but the boy had the alien off his feet faster than the officer had time to touch the ground.
Holding Rob with one hand as the flew and pounding punches down into the blobs face with the other.
Rob shocked the boy with as much strength as he could muster, causing Goten to descend and hit the ground with force.
Getting up, the look on Robs face told him that he was no where near beating the blob, but Goten didn't care any more. No one hurts his friends . . . not on his watch.
The Saiyan boy lept forwards only to stop only inches in front of Rob who seemed very surprised.
Not seeing him attack, Rob decided to take the initiative and punch the boy into kingdom come.
"Wham!" "Wham!" "Wham-Wham . . . Wha-Wha-Wham Wham!"
Every punch Rob made was matched with an equal punch from Goten.
Still ever increasing in strength . . . from what ever he had eaten. . . 'A sensu bean . . . That has to be it'. Goten thought at the wonder of it.
Rob attempted another punch but Goten's hand past his with speed and entered the Slime alien once again.
Goten wanted to scream but bit firmly down drew out more power and pulled out his hand with a piece of Rob attached.
"Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz . . . ."
The young SuperSaiyan looked down at the electricity flowing around the piece of Rob on his hand . . and shuck it off into a nearby slime pit. . . That was the end of that peice.
Goten looked slowly back at Rob . . .
The expression on Rob's face showed he knew what Goten was intending to do, and the Slime turned to go to Sarge for help . . . but it was too late.
Goten dashed over to the slime and pounding his had into him then grabbing, dragged out a small piece of Rob and through it backwards into the slim pit. Over and over at a fast pace Goten repeated the same action.
As the Saiyans actions ate away at the back of Rob, Rob gasped and tried to shock, didn't work, and tried to yell for Sarge to help him but Sarge just looked on very disinterested at his cried.
Seeing no help was coming from Sarge, "Okay, Okay, I give up, I give up. . ."
Goten stopped what he was doing as half of Rob was not gone.
"Okay, I am sorry, I repent, I will be on your side, just don't kill me."
Goten was angry and looked around at Leopold who lay lifeless on the ground, and then at Rob pleading for his life with tears in his eyes . . . as he continued to look at Rob, bowels of mercy began to over come Goten . . . and he dropped his hands.
"Wwwhhhack!" Sarge's fist had the young SuperSaiyan flying off of his feet, only to grab one of the boy's feet with the same hand that he had punched him in the face with.
Goten almost reverted back to normal at the pain from the punch, but fought to retain it and his consciousness.
No one on this side of heaven seemed to hit soft . . . This is crazy.
Goten used his other foot to hit Sarge on his hand but to no avail.
Sarge spun the boy around and release him right at a slime pit.
Goten applied as much upward lift to keep himself from going into the slim pit, and was successful, until Sarge came stomping down heavily in his stomach, sending the young boy downwards.
Goten pulled all of the strength that he could muster not to go into the pit, and again was successful, until Sarge kicked him in the face sending the boy's head back into the slime pit.
All that he could muster to keep his head and his boy from going into the pit resulted in the back of his SuperSaiyan hair being singed by the green stuff.
Goten flicked forwards his head quickly, sending the stuff flying off his hair and onto Sarge who jumped back.
Goten again stood over the slime pit and then hovered forwards to meet Sarge who didn't like the look in his face.
The boy had figured it out . . . Sarge and the slimes weren't afraid of him . . . They were afraid of the slim pits.
Which meant that Sarge didn't know something about the slime in all his years on the planet, that he (Goten) had just realised.
Dashing forwards Goten attacked the Puluto counterfeit, who dodged and pushed the off of himself with ease.
Seeing the opening Sarge flew forwards to punch Goten in his back and head multiple times as the boy sailed pass him (after he had dodged Goten).
He was no coward. And Goten was slow, very slow.
Yes he was afraid of the slime pits, but he had a strategy. Flying forwards, Sarge kick Goten who was not turning around to face him, causing the boy to pitch skywards. Sarge shot off behind him.
There was now more than enough time to save himself being so high in the sky, and gave the young boy no possible way of escaping or winning.
The two faced off, and blows were flying as the two came together in the air. As they parted moments later, Goten's face again was busted up, with bruises visibly seen about his body . . . Sarge had not even been hit.
Sarge went to grin, but Goten again was on the man not letting up. Again the two parted, with multiple blows causing Goten to need hospitalization, and yet the boy was preparing for more.
"I could do this all day, Sarge shouted over to him . . ."
". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So . . can . . . . . I . . aaaiaaaaaaaahhhh!" "Bsshhh!"
Electricity flowed around the young Saiyan, hair slightly longer, body more sturdy, mind more, clearer, and best of all . . . every thing appeared to be moving more slower. He was trying to bide time to find it . . . somewhere . . deep within himself . . . SuperSaiyan one had come easy, too easy . . . making him wonder if this was possible, to become SuperSayan two.
"Oooooooo!" Sarge taunted. "Nice trick."
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!" Electricity too flowed around Sarge.
The two immediately flew together and it was clearer from the blows that Sarge was still winning, but that was of no concern to Goten, who when they had finally parted still had blows, though fewer, but Sarge now had one or two.
"Just the way I like it" Sarge shouted over to the little boy.
"I couldn't have said it better." Goten shouted back.
The two locked hands and traded kicks and punches, and Goten kept falling backwards and backwards with the blows till they were only a few feet off the ground.
Sarge realizing what the boy was doing withdrew in fear and Goten sent him further back with a quick kick to his face. Sarge was the better fighter in terms of tricks, but his brain didn't seem to work very well being clouded by fear . . . a classic problem with bullies. Never had to defend so they never know how to operate under fear.
"Grop" Suddenly everything went dark around the boy as Rob jumped up from out of nowhere to cover the boy like a sheet, and cocooning him in a ball of himself.
And that is when Rob let him have it. Trapped in side of that very tight ball, Rob mustered all of the electrical power that he had and released it on him in on go.
"B Z Z Z Z Z Z Z I T!!!!!!"
Seeing what had transpired, Sarge dashed down to kick the ball of the duo into one of the nearby Slime pits.
As the ball disappeared into the slime pit. Sarge stood and watch silently, as if expecting some ghost to resurrect or something . . . But nothing.

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