Chapter 20 Little Too Late (Trunks' Transformation)

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Chapter 20

. . . Leopold tried to restart the space craft that he came in. Bulma's onboard robots had been seriously working on fixing the craft and it was up and running in no time . . . but it was not lifting off.
Quick to look outside Leopold realised that someone had embedded craft's legs into the Planet with spikes.
Looking up no one but Puluto was coming towards them . . . and at a fast pace . . . carrying a weapon no doubt.
"Puluto is coming. I don't know what is his deal, but we have to get out of here."
"That is not the one 'Puluto'" The little alien informed . . . "He had died in the crash and the aliens of this planet lure in People with your uniform, and took their shape. The also listened to your radio waves to learn of what you were up to . . ."
". . . Just as I have suspected," Leopold said looking sad. "but there is no time to loose." I need you to find Goten and use this button to project him to this spot by pressing the 'previous location button'."
'It would have been better to get Trunks but Trunks was busy in space . . . if he was still alive and out there that is.' Leopold thought to himself, but there was not time.
"Bulma . . . Bulma . . .?"
"I am here Leo'. I heard everything."
"Do you have Goten's blood signature yet."
". . . . . . Yes . . . but feint . . . I cannot be 100% certain as it is only one signature picked up so far . . . . . It could also be a 'similarity' . . ."
". . . It is the only shot we have. That morphing alien is almost here. Send in the coordinates"
". . . . . . tap, tap, tapity tap, tap tap . . ."
"Your a go Leo'".
Leopold quickly placed on the electronic band on the little alien . . . "You remember . . what I showed you?"
"Yes . . ."
"And you remember the name?"
". . Yes. Goten."
"Good boy . . ." Leopold pressed some buttons on the boys wrist band and stepped back."
Just then Puluto came to the door's entrance . . . in time to see the boy alien disappear from in front of him . . ."

Trunks' Location
Trunks had now grown the full length of being a Finikin King (Great Monkey).
"Wham!" Finally is big hand collided with the purple metal man who appear clearly hurt by it. However the trio was still very hard to hit. Though they could not hurt him, his huge size meant they could see his attacks clearly as they came and ample time to dodge them. The three metal men floated backwards in order to figure out how to take down the great beast.
Trunks did not waste any time, whilst he was in control of this big form he might as well put it to good use.
The huge Finikin opened his Jaws and fromed a great big fireblast. Once released in the direction of the Metal men two dodged but the middle man got hit straight out to space.
"Butuuum", "Butuum," "Buttuuum" . . .
Trunks fired with precision trying to anticipate the metal men's directions in order to hit them.
"Butuum . . Butuum . . . Wham!"
One more metal man was hit out to space.
The Last being the silver metal man was the hardest to hit. Trunks stopped. . . thought . . . Form a blast ball and kept it hovering in front of him . . . then did the same five more times.
Then all at ones the big monkey fired all in quick succession.
The metal man did all that he could to dodge all five of the attacks. "Blam!" He was very successful at dodging the five of them but not Trunks' in coming monkey punch, which sent him flying into space, hurt.
"Hurrrraaaahhhhhhh!!" A big hurray went up from the ship that was slowly going into the planets atmosphere, fire starting to heat up its outer walls.
Slowly the Finikin floated over to the planet and into the atmosphere to hold onto the ship's under belly. Very slowly and laboriously, Trunks managed to push the huge ship back in to its space environment once more.

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