Chapter 22 Dragon Balls

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Chapter 22

Dragon Balls

Thousands of years Earlier . . .

A young Namekian boy with golden scales was shunned by the rest of his peers. Of all of the Namekians, he was the most unusual.
The parents of the boy pleaded with the Elders to have one of the most powerful Namekians heal the boy of his condition.
“We tried that already, but the result is always the same . . . I am afraid that the boy is not ill, but somehow this condition is one of the traits of or transition to this life and body . . . maybe it is not a sickness . . . but a power . . .”
“But he tried everything from healing to instant transition to reading peoples power, and nothing, nothing.” The mother sobbed . . . “He just has those ghastly scale things and he’s afraid to show his skin for fear no one wants to play with him.”
The Elders tried to comfort the woman and said that they would scold any one who insulted or harmed the boy . . . The problem was . . . that no one wanted anything to do with the child.
As fate would have it . . . several years passed . . . and one day the boy was playing with a Stone ball we used it in sports but seeing no one wanted to be around him, he’d play with the ball when no one was around.
“Sniff, sniff” the little Namekian boy wept and talked to the ball. “I wish you could have these powers. . . The powers of ‘scales’, talk about a lame.” Looking at the ball, the little boy wondered . . . could he . . . Holding onto the ball the little one tried to impart his scaly powers into the ball. . .
Suddenly . . . the ball lighted up for a moment, and then went back to being a dim rock. Trying again and again, the ball light up and lighted up and finally the ball shown like an orange gem.
Running and showing his mother, his mother was glad to see the boy happy but wondered if the ball that they used in sports was any good now.
Others found out and came to examine the orange glass ball. They kicked it around and found that is was even more solid.
Pretty soon the boy was asked to make other balls, so he placed a star in each one in order to keep track of each ball that he made. Not only that, but each time the boy would make one of the objects some of his scales would disappear and eventually he would have the same skin as the other Namekians. It was no wonder that he was glad to make the seventh and last Dragon Ball.
“And then they were able to make wishes?” Pain asked.
“Not quite . . .” We were as dumbfounded about the balls but were good to have them, they didn’t even get a scratch amidst all of the knock abouts, infact it was upon the visit of a god of destruction, that his angel was surprised that we were kicking about the dragon balls as a ball.
Our Elder was contacted and the little boy was brought and the matter was explained. However as we had suspected, the boy could not make anymore.
The angel asked the boy to wish for something . . . but nothing happened.
“Were they useless . . ?” Chalorie asked.
So we thought . . . but the Angel’s request of the boy had the boy’s parents concerned and the boy was ordered never to wish for anything.
“Pretty soon, rumours got out that the Namekians were in possession of miniature Dragon Balls, and like most rumours, they had escalated to the balls giving wishes like the ones that the Gods possessed.” The Elder placed her hand to her head sadly . . . as she remembered her Great Grand mother telling her the tale. A tear rolled down the wrinkled face . . . “Aliens came from all over . . . We were scared at first, but then it made for a great tourist attraction . . . and then some mean people came and fought over the Dragon Balls. Eventually we had to say that they were stolen . . . by some very powerful aliens.
“Did it work?” Pain asked, getting riled up.
“Yes . . . for a while, until a powerful general came looking for them, and demanded that the parents and the boy be brought before them. He ordered them to death if the Dragon Balls were not presented to him.” The elder sniffed. “But how did he know that the Dragon Balls were still here”, we kept the secret with our very lives.”
“Maybe you had a traitor amongst you.” Pain reasoned.
“No, no . . . we knew that they could not grant any wish No one of us would dear expose their location and then nothing happen. No, he knew for a fact that they were with us. So he ordered the parents of the boy dead."
“No . . .” Chalorie sighed.
“. . . But that is not the end. The God of Destruction showed up, to protect the family and the Nameks, and a great fight broke out . . . He beat the God of Destruction and his angel like they were practice. Something was very horribly wrong and the angel knew, but never told us.”
“Finally his henchmen held the angel and his accomplice firm and that's when he went over to the boy’s parents . . . to kill them."
"Did he?" Chalorie asked, her hands covering her mouth in fear of the news.
"The boy brought over the balls . . . they were all glowing . . . hovering in the air around him.”
The General appeared well pleased . . . until the boy shouted, “June plums!! Come forth!!” And what do you know . . . out came our very first dragon.
Chalorie, Pain, and even the dragon boy was happy to hear the that.
“And he wished them away?” Pain asked concerned.
“. . . No . . . The boy wished that the General and his henchmen be made powerless until they met their match.”
“Why didn’t he just wish them out of existence.”
“That is what we thought until the angel and the God of Destruction very easily over powered them and promised to punish them. They were rendered far weaker than even us . . . and no; the boy was in time to save his parents.

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