Chapter 1

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This is after Day lost his memory in an accident and could not remember Brick. Things were getting better and Day has started accepting Itt as his partner. One fine day, a forgotten CD shook their world.

 After watching the CD and getting to know the details of past events from Itt and Night on how things started between them, Day was in shock.

In order to avoid facing Itt and needing some time to clear his mind, Day asked Gear to drop Itt at his parent's place.

Day needed some time to clear his mind. He was angry with Itt for what he did to Night but more than that he was guilty of abusing Itt brutally. The images of Itt crying were haunting him.

Gear and Night went downstairs to talk to Itt. Gear was confused after the revelation of the whole story of how Day met Itt and how he treated him. He was feeling guilty himself as he dint know Itt went through so much pain. He was also angry with Night for hiding this from him but now was not the time to talk about it . Night could see Gear's confused angry face when they came downstairs and was not sure what he was thinking. 

Itt was still sobbing pitifully. Gear spoke "Itt lets go to your parents place. I will drop you".  This made Itt shocked "Wa ..what.. why. He does not want to see me now".   Gear has no response.

 Night tried to pacify him "P'Itt I will speak to P' Day and he will talk to you soon." Itt was crying to the point of being breathless now. Night looked at Gear but he seems to be in his thoughts so he had to nudge Gear to speak to Itt at the moment.

Gear sat beside Itt calming himself  first " Let both of you give each other some time. Day will talk to you but give him some time to digest as he still can't remember things."

Itt was not ready to leave but Gear forced him and took him to the car as he himself wanted to speak to Itt but not infront of Night.

They both sat in car and Gear started driving. He glanced Itt who was still sobbing and stopped the car  after some time at a quieter place to talk as he himself had lot of questions.

"Why didn't you tell me before what Day did to you. Am I not your friend." Gear questioned Itt fiercely. And stop crying let Day reflect on him what he did. I am still carrying guilt of what I did to Night. Let Day also reflect on himself as I am the only one who  was supposed to be punished and not you. I and Night are together now and happy. Why dint you tell me when Day forced you. Speak to me. Do you not consider me friend". Gear spoke in series.

Itt was blank as the only thought he had now was to blame himself thinking Day was angry because he tricked Night. Itt took a breath and looking down without facing Gear  "I .. I don't know . You were already dealing with stuff then. I dint want to bother you with my story when you were in hospital.

Gear was really angry " Bother me ? You dealt with all that because of me."

 Itt  immediately responded  "But I was the one to provoke you to take Night and I...  I really don't want Day to hate me now after all this we have gone through. I think I am too weak now to take this. Does he really hate me when you spoke to him. He said he.... he does not want to see me " and he started sobbing again.

Gear can see Itt's mental state he was not  thinking rationally. Gear sighed "No he is not angry but he does not remember things now. Let him clear his thoughts. But you listen to me first , you should stop blaming yourself now. You were the victim then. If anyone I am the one to blame and Day himself. 

Then he drove Itt to his parents house and dropped him. " Don't overthink Itt  . I and Night will speak to Day."

Itt did not respond and turned to enter house.

Gear sighed seeing Itt's condition and he was also blaming himself. He did not want to face Night now so he kept driving aimlessly.

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