Chapter 20

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Day started running towards the forest and Night and Nick followed in confusion.

"P'Day what happened?" Night had to grab Day's arm "P' Please tell us what happened"

"Neil just called that Itt is lost in forest." Day said worriedly. 

"What were Gear and Neil doing" Nick mumbled worriedly.

"Did anything happen" Night asked. Day just shook head as he dint know the details.

"You have to think calmly if we go in forest like this we will be lost. Let's first meet Neil and Gear" Nick said and called Neil to get exact location and they all met. Neil and Gear were panting as they have been running to find Itt.

"What happened? Why he ran in forest" Nick asked 

"Not sure let's focus on finding him first " Neil said as both saw Ford falling but don't know details and he knew if he tell, Day will kill Ford in anger so he avoided telling now.

"He must be near by as we lost him at this turn and I don't think he will go very far from here. I called his phone but is not reachable" Gear said.

"Day calm yourself and think rationally now" Neil said knowing Day's skill.

Day took a breather " Night you stay with Gear and you both go towards left . Nick you stay with Neil and go towards right and I will go straight. No one change the direction and we meet back here again after 1 hr" They all dispersed.

Everyone started calling Itt's name while trying to find him. Day tried his phone continuously but no luck and returned back after 1 hr dejected.

To make it tough it started raining. "Night and Nick you both go back to camp " Day said

Both did not agree. Neil said "It's almost midnight and raining too let's take help from forest staff" 

"Itt will be really scared. He cant move in dark even in house" Day mumbled and was dialing Itt's number on loop. Everyone looked at each other worriedly.

"Neil and Gear tell me exactly what happened." Day said firmly

They both looked at each and Gear told "There was loud noise and we saw Ford on ground and Brick started running. We don't know what happened and just followed Itt. " 

Day gritted but now his priority was Itt " So he ran till here ?"

"Yes but from this point we lost his track" Neil said

" This route is straight from camp if I am right" Day mumbled 

"Yes it's straight, we dint take turn. It seemed Brick was running without thinking" Neil added

"Then he must have not take any turn here as well .Let's stay together but spread  little wide and go straight" Day said and everyone agreed. They were all drenched in rain by now.

Day continue to call Itt while searching. Suddenly he was able to connect to Itt's phone . Itt dint pick up but they heard the ringtone near by. Day ran in the direction "Itt please pick up the call. Itt please" Day was shouting and phone got disconnected.


Itt was running madly without thinking anything. After a while he realized he is lost. He was scared now and started running back to return when his foot fell on bear trap. His foot was stuck and badly injured. It started bleeding profusely.

Itt was sobbing and calling Day's name. He tried to call but his phone had no network. He dint know what to do . It was dark and forest voices were making him more scared. He was in lot of pain but he started dragging himself in search of network. Itt saw Day's call and he was about to pick when it got disconnected as his phone  battery died.

He started calling "Day ... Day help me "

They all heard some faint voice. Neil pointed "There" they all ran in the direction with mobile torch on. The sobbing voice was more clear and Itt was crying in pain "Please help me..."

Day reached and saw Itt. He was all soaked in mud  and water, there was blood near his foot . He was sobbing and trying to free himself. He looked at Day " Day .. Day .. It's hurting."

Day ran towards him and hugged him. All others came and took a breather. "Thank God" Nick said.

" Day .. my foot.. It's hurting .. Help me" Itt said in breaking voice.

Day saw Itt's foot trapped. Neil came near and they both removed the trap. They saw deep wound on Itt's foot and it was bleeding heavily . Day immediately removed his shirt and tied on Itt's ankle. He carried him piggyback  and they started walking back towards camp. Gear and Night stayed in front showing the path and Neil and Nick stayed backward.

"Day I want to... to  go back  ...I ... I dont want to stay here"  Itt was sobbing and saying in fainting voice.

" Yes Itt we are going back now" Day said

"Day he is bleeding a lot. Let's hurry up" Nick said.

"Itt .. Itt .." Nick called " he is losing consciousness"  Neil said.

"Gear go and get car ready.  Night and Nick you pack stuff put what you can quickly in car. I will come along with Day and Itt" Neil said 

"I will not leave that Bastard" Day gritted, his veins bulging out from his head.

"Let's get Itt to hospital first" Neil said fiercely to stop Day from going on rampage.

They reached the camp. Night and Nick have already put suff in car and were in car. Gear came back to camp site as he also was fuming in anger thinking Ford's friend tricked him to go away from Itt.

The other group was still partying. Day, Neil and Gear looked towards them.

"You both take Itt to car. I just need 2 minutes" Day said furiously.

"No let's do it together" Gear said fiercely

"Neil take Itt and start the car" Neil nodded carried Itt to car. Nick and Night came out immediately to assist and made Itt lie in middle seat. 

"Where are Day and Gear" Nick asked. " They will be here . Open the back door fully and tie the luggage so that it does not fall, Quick!. Night  sit with Brick and keep his foot elevated and wipe area around his wound so that it doesn't get infected" Neil said.

They both did as he said and Nick came and sat next to Neil . Neil started the car and  put the nearest hospital on GPS . His eye was on back mirror.

He saw Day and Gear running with  Ford's friends following them . Neil stepped on the peddle. Day and Gear were able to jump in the back of car  before Neil accelerated. 

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