Chapter 23

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Day got up in a hurry when door opened and saw Neil and Nick entering. He was mostly alert whole time as  he was not able sleep well thinking of Itt's words.

He stretched himself and  turned to see Itt who was still sleeping.

"Did he wake up" Nick asked. Day nodded "Yes he woke up last night but was in lot of pain so doctor gave more pain killers and sleeping pill"

Doctor came in to do regular checkup and Day saw he was different doctor than who visited last night.

"Doctor can you tell which doctor came in last night" Day asked

"You can check with the nurse outside" Doctor said and Day nodded.

"Anything wrong " Neil asked.

"Nick you stay with Itt. " Day gestured  Neil to come out of room. While going out he saw Gear  in the corridor  and he called him along to talk.

"Did Night go to college?" Day asked and Gear nodded.

They went to canteen and Gear got coffee for all three. Day described them whole incident about Ford. They both were shocked.

"You think Brick is just overthinking and it's a nightmare" Neil asked.

"I think but I am not sure" Day said in confused voice.

"How can he come after getting beaten up so much. Or did we dealt with him lightly because we were in hurry" Gear said in bewilderment.

"I would not have left him, had I know what he did  to Itt" Day said gritting his teeth making Neil and Gear realise something major happened as none of them were aware why Itt ran.

"Do you think he can track us till Bangkok" Day asked while thinking out loud.

"It's difficult unless any one of us shared any information unconsciously with them" Neil said and Day and Gear just shook their head side to side denying they spoke anything. 

" Let's check with Neil and Night too. We also do not know anything about him to search except his name Ford and he has a sister Jane" Gear said.

"And they lived in London" Day added.

"Let's try to gather some information around by checking with hospital staff  and then think what to do next. I will ask Jim and my contacts if I can get anything on Ford and Jane" Neil said and they both agreed. Neil got some more stuff to eat and coffee for Nick and they went back. 

On the way they checked with nurse on doctor records, who shared the name of night duty doctor. Day went to meet him but he had left as his shift was done. Day asked the  nurse again about if she can verify any nurse or doctor visited  prior the emergency visit when Day called them. Nurse denied going through records stating that last visit before emergency one was before midnight . Those both visits were in front of Day and he dint find anything suspicious about it.

Itt woke up and saw Nick and sleepily asked " Where is Day?"

" As soon as you get up you ask for your husband, you do not care about your friends anymore" Nick said melodramatically  making Itt smile a little.

"Are you felling better. Does it hurt?" Nick asked .

"Umm not now but  last night..."  Itt said while trying to get up and Nick came in closer to assist him but it reminded Brick of last night incident. 

"Nick can you ask Day to get me discharged. I want to go home. Ford ... Ford even came here. I don't want to stay here. He makes me feel disgusted. You know ..he .. he tried to.....I want to kill him. I want to kill him " Its said in series of sentences in angry tone when Day , Neil and Gear entered and all heard same and felt Itt's emotions.

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