Chapter 13

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Itt was snuggling in Day's chest and was mumbling something while asleep. His voice made Day wake up but it was gibberish difficult to understand. Day rubbed his back and he cuddled more tightly making Day smile. Day put his hand on Itt's forehead " Thank God fever has gone down"

He picked cell to check time, it was already 9 am. Last two nights even Day dint have proper sleep so he slept longer. He slowly turned Itt making him sleep on his back. He kissed his forehead and got up to take shower. After showering he went down to make breakfast.

Brick's phone rang making him awake. He picked the  cell and saw it was from unknown number. He received the call and said " Hello "  in still drowsy voice.

"Hey Itt where were you? I called you many times but you dint pick up. Are you ok"

Itt was still groggy and dint register who it was " Who...I .. I was sick". 

"This is Pee ...Did you just get up?"

"Yeah ..." Brick was silent. 

"Did Day fought with you?" Pee asked

"What...Yes .. No " Brick was confused and asked in low voice" Why you asking?"

"I was just worried about you. Get well and we will talk again." Pee said and disconnected making brick confused.

Brick sat with phone in hand for a while when Day entered " You are awake. How are you feeling?"

"umm better" Brick said rubbing his eyes.

"Get up  wash your face and come down for breakfast"

Itt nodded and called "Day.." while he was leaving room.

"What.." Day turned and asked looking at Itt.

After a pause Itt said " No Nothing " in low voice.

Day stared at Itt but dint ask "Ok come down to eat"

Itt washed face and went down to eat. Day had prepared shrimp porridge. Both of them sat and ate. Itt ate less as he still has poor appetite due to fever. "Eat more . You have to take medicine also " Day said fiercely.

Itt pouted and had another two spoons . Day gave him medicine and cleared table.

" You want to go somewhere?  Should we go visit Naan , we can call Gear, Night , Nick and Neil too " Day asked Itt , seeing him acting dull thinking it might make him feel better.

Itt was silent and then shook head " I want to sleep."

Day looked at Itt and touched his forehead " Are you still feeling sick"

"No just dizzy" Itt said.

"Ok let's watch some movie and stay at home" Day said seeing Itt's condition 

"What do you want to watch?" Day asked but there was no response from Itt. 

"Itt what do you want to watch?" Day asked again but without getting angry.

"Anything you like.." Itt said in low voice.

Day tried to observe Itt " Is anything you want to talk about. Anything is bothering you?

Itt shook his head, then after a while " Day .. Pee called me" and started looking down.

Day patiently asked " When ..What did he say?"

"Just before you came in room to call me for breakfast. I was drowsy so dint understand much but he just asked me how am I " 

Day nodded and was looking at Itt as if there is more.

"But he asked .. Itt raised his head looked at Day , Day was staring him.

" He asked did you fight with me." and started looking down again and playing with his hands nervously.

Day dint say anything for a while as he was trying to ascertain what Pee is trying to do.

Itt was getting more nervous. " Da .. Day you angry with me?"

Day held Itt's hand and went to sit on couch and made him sit between his legs  facing his back. He held his waist and leaned on his shoulder and said calmly " Itt why will I be angry with you. You dint do anything. It's Pee who called you." making Itt feel little relaxed.

"But can you tell me again what happened that day" Day asked

Itt was nervous now " I don't remember what happened. I can't recall how I got that mark" Day held Itt's hand to calm him down "It's ok"

"Let's watch movie" Day said to change his mood. Itt nodded.

He played a movie and both of them sat on couch but it was only few minutes when Itt fall asleep placing his head on Day's shoulder. Day saw Itt sleeping and smiled and switched off the TV. He made him lie on the couch and brought a blanket to cover him. Then he went to call Neil and asked him to come over condo with Nick for dinner.

He called Night but Gear picked his call " How is Itt?"

" Did he tell where he was ? Gear asked again in worried tone.

" With Pee ." Day said shortly making him silent 

"What? Can I talk to Itt" Gear asked again

"He is sleeping now. You are his friend try to talk to him and see if anything else is bothering him. " Day said as he felt may be Itt is hesitating to talk to him.

"Ok I will call him later" and he handed phone to Night.

"P'Day how are you? how is P'Itt? Night asked.

" His fever is gone but he is still weak. We will stay here for few days. Take care of yourself" 

" Ok we will visit tomorrow. Let us know if you need anything"  Night said and they both disconnected.

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