chapter 1

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Hello readers thank you for choosing my book. It is my first book I hope you people will enjoy it. And just hope for the best.

Sorry for the first chapter it was not lengthy .
But the next chapter will be provided as your preference.

Actually everyone has their daily routine to do. But sometimes, we may feel awkward about why we are doing this.

Maybe sometimes "it's very difficult to think "
By the way, my daily routine was usually I go to university every day and it's the most difficult thing why because, "I'll arrive there by walk".

My feet are painful and sometimes, "but I won't decide to go at bus.

It is the most horrible thing, that i walk on the road.
Normally, "everyone arrives at the college on their vehicles". But iam the one who always goes by walk.

I heard somewhere that walking is good for health the reason I choose to walk at the road.

My daily routines were always to attend the college to take my lectures and make notes then i return home.

But today i haven't even wake up from the bed.

Did you know why?

Yes because, "it's Sunday".

The day "I can be free from my daily routines".

It's the day I woke up at 10 'o' clock and just done my washroom things and got fresh.

I made an egg pan cake and then took a small bag and went out near the forest.

"I love nature" usually, "i am very interested in watching things in the forest".

I am wandering in the forest all alone i have reached here.

I saw a house which was old and went inside of the house then i saw "if there is someone but nobody was there".

But actually, i observed someone passed behind me.

Firstly, I thought about ghosts occurence then I felt that there is no ghosts exists.

I went and saw behind the window it was a bird which I felt was "the existence of ghosts".

Yes it's "an owl". I have seen it. and I thought the weekend was almost at the ending, then I returned to my home.

It's a night. I hope the day went well but however the the night I was time to go for sleep.

"Tomorrow is a Monday again", my daily routines begins.

The day almost went quickly and "she roamed in the forest" as she wants the day. "It went the same".

"Ashley it's time to sleep". she said, herself  then laid at her bed and then she closed her eyes after she wrapped her blanket.

In a dream:

She was walking in the forest and there were huge trees where the darkness was covered in the bottom of the trees and then she saw a home.

The house looks exactly like a haunted house which was shown in movies.

She just got into steps and tossed her head and stared around and then began stepping forward".

When she got "near the door".

She moved her hand forward and touched the door and then she opened

She took a deep sigh while. when opened her eyes she was at her bed and realised it's a dream.


Her palms were just pain.

Because of the cold she didn't even close her window and she got a shiver and it made her breathing uncomfortable.

Oh my god ashley. it's just a dream.

I almost thought it's real.

After she sighed.

And get ready for the college It's Monday and the start of the week.

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It will amazing as soon as chapters will pass.

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