*** chapter 9 ***

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It's Sunday . There is no pressure to wake up early though ashley and Tina ! Haven't woken up early.

Tina! Hmm what is the time now. By rubbing her eyes ashley has asked. I don't know just check on the mobile. I wanna sleep more ashley.

But Tina we have to go out. Please ashley everyday there is such a time to sleep. It's just Sunday. We have free time for everything. Just sleep if you wanna otherwise leave me.

Ashley got fresh and went out for a walk as usual for groceries. And it's a road where there is a crowd before, and she brought the groceries and reached the house.

While Tina ! Was with her coffee cup at the drawing room . Where were you gone I was searching all over the house. Tina ! I have gone to buy the groceries. I thought that you would not  give company, though I went alone.

Okay ashley ! Get ready we are going to the park. Eric is joining us. What ? Yes ashley ! He pleaded with me to come. So how could i deny. So get ready soon I have to be. But we thought to go forest. Ashley ! What is there in the forest.

There is a park and we will enjoy the weekend joyfully. But in the forest trees, animals, birds. Nothing else there.

So quick baby look Eric was calling hello babes have you got ready? No Eric. I will be there soon, don't worry.

Go girl, get ready. I am going for a shower and just drop the groceries aside, we will set them later when we return. She hurried.

Ashley set her hair and wore jeans and white shirt at the top. She made pony tail hair. A grace was embraced at her face which is bright.
Tina! Wear a frock which is stretchable and it's a long frock covering her whole thighs.

Meanwhile, when they reached the park. Tina ! Got the call. Look Eric is calling . I think he have arrived. Hello Eric where are you? sorry Tina ! I have an important issue to solve I can't come but Eric you have promised to spend time with me on weekend. Sorry babes! It's a urgent. Love you babes we will meet later. What happen Tina! Ashley he is not coming. Last moment he denied. He always do the same. Don't worry babes we will spend some time together and we will return don't worry.

Look Tina ! There is an icecream can we buy it. Ashley wanted to change her mood. She got an icream for her too. But Tina ! Was upset of her boyfriends behaviour. Look, ashley I won't talk to him. Don't worry babes, i am with you. And even won't attend his call Ashley.

While they roam all around the park and enjoyed together, while when returning to home. Ashley saw a forest near and insisted Tina ! To come with her. But ashley what is in the forest we will go home  but she wouldn't heared Tina 's words.

She pleaded with her, Tina agreed to accompany her at the forest. While when they enter into the forest there is a trees which was greenish and the air hitting them was so cool and the chirping of birds made ashley happy.

When wandering in the forest after a mile ashley! I can't walk, we have reached more, I was exhausted and cannot walk more.

Simultaneously ashley saw a house. Look Tina ! There is a home. Have a look on it . Come with me she dragged with her. When entering inside there is lots of dust in the house. Ashley knows it was haunted house but Tina ! Doesn't know why is this home like this?  there is no one living here.

While they went into upstairs and it was dark while she is walked on stairs it was so dark and ashley had a candle at her bag and lighted it.

While they were slowly walking before someone touched at her foot. Ashley was stunned because already she got it in a dream. After knowing she asked Tina ! Is that you ? What me ? Have you touching my feet. No babies why I touch your feet while I am standing with you. Let's see what it is ?  she pushed her candle to down. While Tina! Was also watching when she moved her candle against to foot to visual what is grabbed her foot. It was hand. Tina! Ahhhhh and ashley was trying to move but her foot was grabbed them she took something at het hand and kicked the hand and with in a second they were ran away out of the house.

Tina ! Ahhhhh sighs. While ashley! Gasped oh my god ashley! It was a ghost and we just arrived safe what if it did something to us. Yes Tina ! We  were safe.

Ashley was aware of everything she even pushed herself to inside whether it will be true or not. But  yes it got true.

Ashley and Tina! Reached home it was a 6 'o' clock and their weekend went with lots of fear.

While they have set the groceries in order and ashley get into a study room and she have notes to copy. While when she was doing her work. A call ring by her mobile. It was hebrew. She ignored the call. But he continuously calling
Also she cut the call while she was not in mood to talk with him after happen everything.

After she have ended her work went to drawing room again she got the call. Ashley ! Who is it. Huh ? Tina ! Its hebrew continuously calling me. I don't wanna talk with him. She again cut the call.
Tell him tomorrow don't hope anything. I will never talk to him.& Ever again !

Ok babes ! Leave the matter ! How it will be we watch movie? She asked, okay Tina! I was feeling bore. Let's watch anything.

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