chapter 15.

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Summer has arrived and relaxed days have begun to enjoy. Holidays were heaven to all of us. When we have to reach the university everyday. it's a small kind of relaxation to mind. We don't have to wake up early and there is no books to study studies. We can enjoy it, as much as we want during the holidays.

*What you will do at your holidays please comments*

Ashley was resting at her house. Where there is no university and she is enjoying her sleep. Tina ! Was at her house and so there is no one to look at, ashley daily routines have been changed and she is just resting peacefully in her room.

It's her first day of summer during her holidays and she wakes up at 10 'o' clock and finish her washroom things.

she went to kitchen to look up for breakfast. But there is nothing left. there is bread remaining at her house. She picked jam and applied it to the bread and ate it.  

Later she went out for a walk there is garden at her house. Which it contain a largest trees and took those bread pieces for lunch enjoying her first day at alone picnic. Grab some of the books to read at the collect place.

While she got a message from Tina.
Hey Tina !
Hello ashley. How is your day going.
Fine. Yours ?
Huh ? It's boring without you.
Leave it ashley. Can we meet in the evening. At the coffee shop.
Okay Tina !
Okay we'll meet there.

Ashley picked her book to read and a fresh Breeze colliding at her skin and it was very relaxing.

Later she checked it was end of time. She set her stuff and return to her home.
It's evening she got ready to catch Tina at the coffee shop.

Tina arrived with her boyfriend Eric. After Ashley arrived as soon as hebrew reached the area.
Did you call him Tina !  Yes ashley do you have any problem with him?  Have you fought with him again. No Tina ! She replied,

Oh ! Everyone have arrived. Waiter handed the What do you  want Eric. Huh ! Anything you like baby! Okay. Bring two black coffees, ashley ! What about you ? A chocolate coffee. Hebrew replied, that he wanted the same.

After they got the coffee waiter wishes goodday. Tina ! Started asking how is going everyone's life. Tina ? I was just relaxing at my home. Ashley ! Do you know we went for boating in the early morning and it was amazing and i thought later, why should we four go for a tour and enjoy our  holidays.

What about  we go again for boating somewhere Eric. No Tina ! Again i can't it's  boredom. Hey Tina ! What about it . Top on the mountain and it will be quiet. Huh? How it will be if we go on forests. No ashley !  forests are dangerous and there are creepy animals hiding in the forest.
Eric. I was thinking at yours choice. Mountain peak. Yes Tina ! On my child hood I have gone once there. But it wasn't on tueism now.

But i have recently heard reviews about mount helin it was a good place to enjoy. Okay Eric. Let's Prepare  our plans and you just reserve it for our holidays. Huh ? Tina ! But I think it will be rush at holidays. May be it will be late. I'll check and tell you later.

Everyone arrived at their homes and resting at the home also it's late at night.
Tina ! alone at her house and chatting with Eric. She said I am alone at house. What about your grandfather Tina ! He went to town. maybe he will return tomorrow night.

What about tonight ? Eric no. Oh please Tina !  You have denied at the party too. Huh Eric we are going to tour. Right !! We can see there. No! It will take time to reservations. Can I wait that long.
Please  allow me I wanna come? Okay Eric. That's my girl.
Open the door iam at your house.
What ? Eric.
Yes Tina ! Please come.

While Tina reached and open the door. There is a Eric. She blushed. Huh ? Won't you allow me.
Yes Eric !  She Closed the door.

So what is my baby doing alone at the house. He pecked at her cheeks. Well bay will sleep in this suit. Will you be comfortable in this ? Let's check your cupboard he opens it. And their is a strap camisole. He handed her to wear. Here , yes baby I have already seen you naked what about now ? 

Okay Tina ! Go to the changing room and comfortably change yourself.

Okay Tina ! Go to the changing room and comfortably change yourself

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After she return, Eric pich her to the bed. My baby is so hot. He slept beside her shirtless.

He grabbed her at his arms and hugged her and then lifted her and make her to look at his eyes.
His lips traced to hers and sucked ta her lower. Lips and then reached to her neck his breath tickling at her neck and slowly gave her a marks. Uhhh Eric. She moaned, yes baby!

His hand grabbed her tits and slowly messaged her uhnmm eric. Your touch making crazy. His hand traced at her stomach and brushed.

As soon as Tina went to sleep and Eric made her sleep comfortably his hand grabbed her thighs and fixed upon him. hugged her tight at his shoulders. Tina was asleep, his touch made her to sleep.

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