chapter 25.

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Hensu doesn't let father know about me. Until I return what ? Where are you going? What are you going to do now ?
I will handle this hensu.

But Drystan they are not in a position to listen to you. He uttered,
Don't worry I'll take care of it.

Drystan are you sure?  they will hear you, because your father has tried almost and failed also they were stubborn.
Hensu !  you don't worry maybe I will whatever I have to do just i wanna convince them.

But I will try until they have listen to me. But Drystan I can't handle our king more than one day. You know I have never lied to him.

Okay hensu ! I wanna go now. Drystan are you going with amor? No hensu he is not well still,

I will go with the read one
but Drystan it is a stubborn doesn't hear anyone.
Maybe iam the one who can handle it.

Where is it  hensu ?
It's on the field. Okay take care.

He reached the field and looked for the horse but i wasn't there and looked around the area was empty and the silence are ecohed.

When he turned back the horse was front to him and the stare of the horse was reddish anger towards the drystan. It tried to collide the drystan but when it was on hovering towards Drystan himself came upon the horse and seated.

Okay. Mister now, You have to reach me to my destination place. Come one hurry,
It's neighed backward and started to riding him

it was a quiet night and there was darkness covering the whole land and there were huge trees which had grown heavily there but also Drystan wouldn't hesitate to ride the long way,

Now. He is on his way to another kingdom named casino.

Casino was the most beautiful kingdom and it was a colourful garden which was filled with a colourful flowers.
Yes it's the entry way to the casino kingdom.

The people were wandering out and it was a bazaar full of a Crowdy people. It's a poor town where everyone leaves with their own risk and their difficulties.

Drystan asked someone that he wanted to meet their king and he instructed, him to go the way where there is a slavery who works for the king said him to reach to his house

When he reached there, he told him that he wanted to meet his king, then joined with and reached to the king.

When entered inside the mansion ther is a few people gathered around the king. Drystan went before the king. Who are you ? He asked

My name is Drystan son of Dario from Finara kingdom. Everyone was yelled aganist Drystan and murmured.

Be silent everyone he uttered. Tell me Drystan why are you here, I have heard someone accused aganist us.
But it is not accusion It's true Drystan.

Well we have decided everything with king darius and now nothing can change.

But who did this? Why would our people will do it. What if your people lied to you.

Our people never lied to us they always tell the truth or if they? I will punish them.

So what is the the truth who came along here i want to know? Someone raised his voice and said we have the proof and is it belong to your kingdom? They have send the badge.

This ? Is it your proof you are saying Drystan utterd.

This is available everywhere and we have the same at our kingdom which belongs to your kingdom. Isn't it normal?

But he have seen him he is not from our kingdom? Will you shut up? King yelled.

What !  What is that about !  who is he?

Look Drystan okay I will accept it you came here to appolgy so, we taken it.

Tell your father that we have changed our minds.

Drystan was blushed. Atlast he have settled the matter and returned from the cassino kingdom.

On the way, a man came towards him and said I know who is he ? Who has entered their kingdom
what ? Drystan said.

The person only belongs to your kingdom. Everyone knows about him here, no one dares to tell the truth?

Who is he? Drystan uttered,
He said his name. Drystan was shock after he heard to him.
Is their any proof we don't want any proof but the night when attack had takesplace. I have found the ring he showed it to him.

Drystan took the ring and return to Finara kingdom.

Hensu stood before him? What happened he asked,

What would you thought? Hensu noticed a smile on his face and recognised You did it right !!

Finally war had ended.

"what they have said" hensu asked,
nothing important ! leave the matter.

He went inside the mansion.

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