chapter 32.

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Hello everyone!! I know few of people bored of my chapters !! So, there is another chapter left to end the flash back so, be pafience!!!

Have happy readings ahead !!!

Whom did you marry ? ashley asked him with a remarkable expression.

Why are you so interested about whom I married ? Huh? I was just curious to know about your past nothing else !! Ashley replied.

It was the day I was going to marry albino, I thought to go on a conversation with her a moment when I reached her room.

I was stunned while seeing her with someone else cuddling with her.

Who is he ? Ashley questioned.

He is kratoos what ?

Ashley replied with a shock at her face.

How is it possible  ? Is he didn't know that you are marrying her ? She exclaimed.

Maybe he knows, after i have seen them together i have left the area.

How did you accept to marry my brother ? He whispered.
Meanwhile I thought it was you ? I thought you were the king. The day you have exclaimed right !!

My father told me a proposal approached to him while he said it from Finara kingdom.

I was very happy after his decision. But when I have reached here, i have known it's your brother ?

Please, I don't want you to marry my brother !! drystan. Send your objection about marriage he requested,

But how should I do it ? It's my father's decision and i can't do it . Right now !! he will be angry at me because it is very late.

Kratoos pulled her close to him so tell me have you ever loved me ? Kratoos leave me. Aren't you being rude with me ? It's doesn't matter i just wanted to know ? Do you love me or not ? Yes !! she replied.

Where are you going kratoos?
To stop this marriage. He replied,
How will you do this ?
It's not your headache.

Meanwhile kratoos joined with their family and friend and they hold a party for Drystan marriage celebrations

Everyone gathered about Drystan was missing?

Kratoos thought it was a good time.

Hatoos and Darius was at company of each other? Celebrating their joy and having their little bit conversation.

While kratoos was waited for his father to left him. Meanwhile  absorbed him to alone.

Father how are you ? He screamed !!  Kratoos my son iam good. While he handed a glass to Darius to take a drink, at first he ignored that have took a lot.
Father please only this one for me ? He requested. Darius was took the glass and swallowed it without upsetting him.

After consuming it. Darius was got sick and screamed kratoos, then he fell aa side on the bed.

While kratoos was went near to him and my father goodbye !! May be you go to heaven. He said,

Kartoos was about to go out? But his father arrived and brother have you slept ?  So early ?

Father he won't able to reply to you ?

Maybe he is asleep.
No not? Father he was dead.

What ? Witha horrible expression he asked,
What did you say kratoos he asked to be close with him.

He was tensed and reached to his brother and tapped him if he was alive or not but he wasn't respond.

Father haven't you heard he is dead.

I have Poisoned  him? He will never be back.

What did you do kratoos have you gone mad did you kill my brother ? Hatoos gave was suddenly shifted to Drystan while he was in a unknown situation? He didn't even know what to do ?

He run away to his father? Father ? What happen to you ? You can't leave me like this please wake up please father wake up ?

But he was already died. Drystan gazed at kratoos and pulled him with his collar and what did you do to my father? What he do to you ?

Leave me ? Drystan ? He screamed.
Hatoos was controlling drystan? He pulled him back.

Kratoos escaped from him, Drystan was helplessly reached to his father and sobbing beside him and Hatoos was held his hand at his shoulders by controlling drystan !!

Drystan stood up, I will kill kratoos he exclaimed  with an anger gaze.

Please Drytsan, he is younger than you. I know he did a mistake but don't do this to me,? I have lost my brother now I don't wanna loose my son.

He begged in front of him but Drystan ignored him and told his soldiers to haunt kratoos wherever he was hide.

Meanwhile his soldiers were searching everywhere for him and Drystan did his rituals which was done by a son .

Arranged a funeral for his father and everyone comforted Drystan !! Now he is alone in the kingdom.
Within three days they catches the kratoos and throw him before Drystan.

While Drystan decided to kill kratoos byt Hatoos was reached and begged in front of him.

But he knows that he is never going to change himself it's a loss to him if he doesn't kill him.
Without any other thoughts Drystan killed kratoos in front of Hatoos.

Hatoos was sobbed at kratoos dead body while Drystan orderd to make a funeral in a short time he completed everything.

Now Drystan lost his father and Hatoos his son.

Drystan was alone at the kingdom and His friend maroon was arrived to accompany him. As usually Drystan was  taken caring of his kingdom as his father did before him.

He made a new rules as whoever did the mistakes they will be punished and kratoos was died because of his indiscipline and majorly what he did to his father was unforgettable mistake.

Hatoos started his walk towards woods and everyday he went through and even though nobody knows why he was going there.

But one day maroon caught Hatoos and stalked him in the woods.

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