chapter 19.

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Ashley sighed and made herself strong and stepped forward

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Ashley sighed and made herself strong and stepped forward. When she raised her hand with a knife.

Youhh again. He asked with his harsh tone. How would you know I was at your behind. I know everything *little girl*. I know this too. You trying to harm me. No. It's nothing that I was just picked it for my saftey. *I am not attacking you*

Oh poor girl! You can't make me fool me or I am not that foolish to believe you  look mr. Who are you i don't know about you. But please I wanna go out from this please help me to get me out.

HAHAHA! Oh little girl. there is no way to go. Whoever enters inside they will only go to help or heaven. Once you enter in this house there is no way to out. What ? Ashley was shocked at his words.

Why couldn't i go to back because who everenter inside they will die little girl. What if I wouldn't die still. Not yet little girl.

I know it's my mistake to enter your house? But what have I done to you ? I will be killed? Because it's a haunted house no one can be allowed inside of the house.  If they did it they will be killed. Nothing else.

How many of you killed still ? Many more I haven't counted. Uff ashley you have stuck in hell.

Ashley uhh ! *It's my name ashley*  ashhley. Ohh ashley you have no way to out. Didn't you tell me how would you came here ? It's a tour. I came with my friends and it's a mount helin. We are returning from there. Exactly there is no taxi to go.

I was waiting for it. One of my friend went to buy me something to drink. But when I saw. This house I came here to look at *when i have entered inside the door was locked*

Oh little girl ! but you have to be careful when you were at unknown place. Unless it will be dangerous to you.

What should I do now. *Oh little girl*  you will be killed one day,  Nothing can happen. what?  Only way for me to die.

HAIIDE ashley. If I will see you, I will kill you.

Only hiding is the only way to save yourself.

What ?? Hide Again.


He turned to my side and walked towards me. with a knife in his hands. I fell down when a skull hit on my legs and fell down and he was walking slowly towards me. I was crawling back.

I was completely breathless and my chest moving up and down and I was just crawling back while sighing.

I was stopped completely at some place where he reached upon me.

He raised his hand and his knife coming against me. Ahhhhh !  I realised a voice from my mouth. He stopped stabbing me and looking at me weirdly.

Low your voice little girl. I hate who screams at my face. Please tell me ! Is there any other way  how can i be saved.

*Ummm little girl*  it seems like you are craving for your life. Then kill. Kill ? Who you ? Hmmm ashley with anger he replied,

Whom ? Exactly I didn't know have you said ? If you wanna get out of the house. You have to kill someone? Whom I will tell. What ? Killing someone ? How will it be possible ?  *how can I kill someone*  ohh then due little girl there is no way he raised his hand to kill her ?

Wait. Okay okay ! I will do whatever you say me to do. Oh good girl. Ashley replied herself and sighed a hollow breath inside.

Listen ashley you cannot be allowed out unless I allow you. Till then there is a room for you stay there. I will tell when time comes. Who you have to kill.

Still then you will be here. After he said he went away from me when i blinked my eyes. Hey where are you ! I have screamed but i didn't get any reply from him.


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