chapter 11

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Hello readers!! How are you everyone and I have just dropped the new chapter and after one chapter there is going to be very  interesting.

Have happy readings.

Ashley was at her class while Tina! Wasn't at her place. Also the lecture was going on  and Ashley was making her notes.

It's leisure and Tina! Back to her place. Where have you been but didn't answer. Oh Tina ! Again fight with your boyfriend. No ashley it's not a fight he just embarrassed me. 

While Tina was looking here and there. Here the stare went upon hebrew. While he is giving a look that he wants to talk with ashley.

Ashley if you won't threaten me, I wanna say something what is it Tina ! I want a book please will you pick a book from the library.

Now. Yes ashley please hurry. I have a problem making my notes whether I took the book then I can read it without making my notes. Please will you bring that for me. She pleaded.

Ok Tina ! She is on her way to the library. While she messaged hebrew to Go to the library. He rushed behind ashley.

When ashley was at the library she searched for the book. Simultaneously hebrew reached beside her. Hey ashley ! When she heard it her gaze shifted at hebrew.

What are you doing here. Are you stalking me. Please listen to me Ashley I wanna say something. No there is nothing to hear, please leave me alone.

I know what I did was wrong. Please I am here in front of please show some mercy. Please forgive me I will never reaper this mistake again he pleaded.

Please ashley . Okay hebrew if you are begging me the. I will forgive you.

Thanks ashley!  Please will you go out. Look ashley I don't wanna bother you. But please can I get a second chance.

For what ? Just give me another chance i will never hurt you. One second are you expecting astill ?

Is it a fault to ask ? Yes of course it's a fault. If i forgive you. Then it's not your will get a second chance.

Even I don't wanna be friends with you. What you have done. You have said that you forgive me. Then what is it about  you again point out my mistake. It's not about I am pointing hebrew i am just telling

There is nothing between you and me from now on. No more friends again hebrew. If you like or not. My opinion won't be changed.

So what should I do to rectify my mistake. There is nothing to do hebrew. It's just time ? Time ? Yes, time will heal everything.

How much it will take ? 1 month, or 1 year please  tell. Maybe more than this hebrew. After she picking the book she left the library.

Tina ! Here you go she handed the book. What happened ashley! Why are you looking strange
I know TIna ! It was all your plan. What is my plan ? Hebrew did you send? No ashley i am not I think he stalked you, really Tina ! She above her eyebrow.

Okay ! Ashley i am done. Yes it's me but what should I do he approached me to help that he wants to apologize that's I just helped him.

What do you say ashley ? What would I say it's never happen again. No more friends again. Huh ? Yes Tina ! Nothing can change now. It's never like before.

A lecturer interrupted them while he entered  everyone to be silent and settle at your seats. Your final tests are ahead, the time table have downloaded. Be prepare for your academic endings.

This is the paper go and check at the notice board later, he said.
Oh my god ashley ! We are at the end of the year, 
I haven't noticed yet, one year have passed.

Shall we go ashley ! Okay. Tina! Can we start at noice once. No ashley there is a rush at this time, so we can have a look later,

It's better to leave today,
Ashley and Tina ! Throw their bags at the couch. Rest for a while,

Tina ! Your phone ? Huh ! I think it's Eric. She cut the call . What happen Tina ! Is everything okay. No ashley ! Not probably I don't wanna talk to him.

Wait a minute ! Haven't you met him at University? Yes ashley i have met. Him. You don't even imagine what happen ?

So tell me what happen?  He is bastard he doesn't even control his words?

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A DREAM GHOST Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora