chapter 3.

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Hello readers!! How are you? Another chapter for you guys I hope you will like the chapters and I tried almost. But somehow I failed to impress you.

Go ahead and read the chapter. Enjoy pepls.

It's time to go to university and ashley on her way to go but she reached late.

Before her entry Tina arrived at a time while she met a boy who is her class mate while saw a boy who gave a letter to ashley
So Tina reached and asked
hey how are you,?
Hi I am fine he replied.
Seems like your friend hasn't arrived yet.
Huh she will maybe on the way.
So what do you think
For what?
Haven't you given a letter to her
Alright i don't know if she will accept my proposal.Don't worry she will accept. Iam there to talk.

Oh thanks ! Tina.
Not mention.

Finally ashley arrived and the whole university was full of crowds and there was a fest.
People were gathered together.
Ashley met Tina midway and stood with her.

Hey how do you do ? Tina replied yeah I am good
While Tina saw a boy then look I think I know him I will be back later by saying it she went.

Ashley was alone and the boy watching ashley but she is ignored his stare at her and she probably watching at her mobile.

Ashley asked what happened to you Tina?  look I got his number. So what will you do with his number she replied.
Ashley  you won't understand if I tell you too.

Tina said have you noticed him. Just ignore him I don't want any issues created in my life.

Look there, he is coming. Shut up! Tina what is it to me if he comes. Your boyfriend she started teasing. Can I talk to you for a few minutes he asked, go girl let's go and have a talk. She forced.
Ashley went behind him where peacefully can talk with each other.
What do you think about me ? About what ashley  exclaimed.

Have you forget I handed a letter.
Huh ? Letter listen I am not thought yet.
So please do think about me . If you won't
Am I not a good boy. Is there any problem it's not about good or bad in you. She replied
So then tell me what is it about. Love
Love? Yes love it's the reason I am not interested. 

Okay take time if you need but don't hurt me. I don't want any excuses next time. By saying this he left.
Ashley returned to her porch and stood beside Tina what happen? Is it successful. Hmm a little tricky but he doesn't even want to hear any excuses.

Tina it's just you what did you do ? How can I handle him. So hard.

She rolled her eyes towards me and released a hehe.
I just wondered her reaction how is so disgusting even at the hard time. Maybe it's not her problem.
Fest had started and people performing their talents before everyone.
Few programs were left and to end
Simultaneously, he entered to perform while he is playing a violin. I never seen him with it. But it was something that I never trust about him.
After he played the wonderful tune. Few people cherished praised a lot.

He just said that he want to do something but I don't know what he again reached infront of everyone. He took a piece of paper and opened .
He is just a little poetry for someone.
But I know it for me. except TIna him and I know about it . He has started to tell

A rose is nothing with out thorns.
The sky is nothing without the sun.
i am nothing without you.
The heart beats for pumping the blood but my heart beats only for you.

Oh my god ashley have you seen him. He proposed you.
Tina ? Uff I don't know what to say to him. Say him that you love him. Don't be late if someone will do it.
Go ! Girl let's hurry accept.

Ashley got near to him and said you played well just one word she left the area.
Tina asked what happened What did she say to you
He exclaimed nothing

After the fest ashley rushed to her room while she was confused after getting near to him and didn't continue to accept his proposal.

Far more it's late. Ashley thought.
Ashley went out for a walk and the cold breeze touched her feet and her arms got cold while after she returned she raised a heat for the room to get away from the coldness.

At the evening ashley set her bed and she thought to call Tina while she called her.

Hello Tina! yes ashley. what happened Why did you call?  Uhhh ?? What happened to Tina she asked.
Nothing. uhhhh! oh my fuck. what Tina ? what did you say ? Ahhh it's nothing. Is there anything to share ahhh she groaned. What happened to your voice. ahhhhh nothing ashley. Are you alright. she asked? Yeahhhhh huhh ? Yes i am alright. hmmm it's so hard. what ? Ashley I have just fallen under the ground. it's just hurting. what hurting Tina ? my knees.
Are you alright. Yeahhhh ummm i am alright I will meet you tomorrow and go to sleep. I am getting bye. She hung up the call.
Ashley while hanging what happened to her?
Then she covered herself and slept.

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