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"You're a bard, you should take Geralt's offer, you won't regret it, especially when you're directly serving the royal family." Legolas convinces Jaskier while scheming through his lyrics.

"Bu.....bu...but you don't know me. How can you help a stranger? How can I trust that you won't feed me to your dragons." Jaskier questions with shurgs, surprised at their gestures.

"So far as you won't get a maid pregnant in the Red Keep and also keep your integrity intact. You might get a place at court, if you give the Red Keep good music." Legolas says strictly.

"That's, that's a fair offer, standing in court, before the iron throne." Jaskier let's out a laugh, quite scared.

"If your time at court's been staid, you've been doing it wrong, and seeing your outbursts with your....former lover, maybe it's time for a new adventure. Trust me you'll like a Red Keep, you look like someone I can trust." Geralt declares as red dragon shriekes, screeching in the sky

Jaskier looks up blinking. "Is that a lizard Dragon?"

Silence, neighing horses pass by them, drawing a wheelcart.

"Is Daemon flying to court?" Legolas turns to Geralt to an answer.

"Hmm, it seems my Uncle has crossed runestone to see Rhea Rocye..... " Geralt sassed, Legolas folds Jaskier's paper and puts it in his pocket, he seems to like the lyric he saw. Poetic.

"Let's go to Flea Bottom we need information on the striga before we leave for Harenhall." Geralt says as Legolas follows him.

"Are you still coming with us to the Red Keep Jaskier? I could use a bard for the Queen, she likes musick very much" Geralt turns to Jaskier waiting for an answer.

Jaskier inhales deeply and looks around his surroundings and then back at Vespula's apartments.

Jakier air quotes "Alright... I'll come serve the targaryen family as a bard"

Geralt smirks, "Good choice." He says gently throwing the lute back to Jaskier.

Jaskier caught it and trails on. "So far as I'm getting my own room, free food, wine, not impregnating anyone while I get to enjoy my youth, like you say a new adventure." He reminds Geralt.

"I don't go back on my word, just come to the palace and control your cock in the Red Keep halls and get paid in coin. Geralt warns sternly.

Jaskier pursed his lips. "Alright Witcher, I mean my Prince Geralt, Ser Legolas, it's a done deal, so far as you'll toss a coin to me by the end of moon. I'm in your service.... Let's go then." He happily says as he walks behind them.

"Farewell Vespula, it was an honour loving your kind!" Jaskier turns to shout, hoping she'd hear him.

"Go to hell Jaskier!" Vespula shouts from the window, throwing a flower pot. Jaskier dodged it and runs, following Geralt Targaryen and Legolas.

His new friends he hoped, however his life has changed in a second, moments ago he was Jaskier of Flea Bottom and now he's Jaskier the Royal Bard.

It will be quite an adventure serving House Targaryen, he thought as he trailed behind the dragon riders with his lute. Dandelion.

The day was getting dark and eerie, Viserys strolled into the West wing of Maegor's Holdfast to visit his wife as his sworn protector Ser Ryam Redwyne escorts him with two other white cloaks, holding the hilt of their sword protectively as they matched behind the King.

On the other hand, Lady Tissaia Darklyn and her niece Jocelyn Darklyn had come from the Queen's apartments, they were passing through the corridors, arguing in a low tone. The torches were lit as the whole palace glowed, casting shadows of illumination.

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