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Lord Boremund Baratheon is dragged out of the mud by his squire and pages, too senseless to move under his own power as is another Baratheon knight, too dumb to focus.

The victor, a knight in plain steel armor named Ser Criston Cole, a fine man in his mid twenties, finds his place in the lane to ride in the joust against his next opponent.

Rhaenyra waves over Ser Harrold, her protector knight.

"What do you know about this Ser Criston Cole, Ser Harrold?"

"I have been asking the same thing, princess. I'm told Ser Criston is common-born, the son of Lord Blackhaven's steward. Other than that, and the fact that he has now unhorsed both the Baratheon lads, I could not say." Ser Harrold narrates.

"Ser Criston Cole will now tilt against Ser Daemon Targaryen, Prince of the City!" The Master of Revels declares.

Rhaenyra cannot wait to see this one. She walks down to the guard-rail at the front of the royal box to watch.

Alicent follows her down, craning her neck to see.

Geralt shook his head with disbelief. "Hmm. Women. They're all the same." He sigh.

Legolas chuckles deeply sipping his wine.

On the field, Daemon and Ser Criston Cole ride into position. The knights charge one another.

Daemon breaks his lance against the stout knight in the simple steel armor.

But Daemon is the one sent flying from his mount.

He peels himself up off the ground and signals to his squires. One of them collects is Valyrian steel: Dark Sister and carries it out to him in the scabbard, offering it hilt first.

"Prince Daemon Targaryen wishes to continue in a melee!" The Master of Revels declares.

The crowd roars as Ser Criston obliges Daemon. He discards his broken lance and dismounts his horse.

Daemon draws Dark Sister, revealing a bold pattern of Valyrian steel rippling down the blade. The squire then carries the scabbard away.

But Ser Criston has no squire. So he must run and fetch his own weapon, a morningstar, shuffling around the sandy ground while the crowd cheer.

"Hmm." Geralt instantly has a liking for the knight.

Daemon doesn't wait. He comes at him with Dark Sister.

Ser Criston moves quickly for a large knight. He evades Daemon's angry slash and comes around with the morningstar.

It snares Daemon's sword. Criston tears it from his grasp, disarming him. The sword sinks into the tourney mud.

"Yield!" Ser Criston tells the rogue prince in his defeat.

Unwilling to accept defeat, Daemon lunges for Dark Sister.

Ser Criston moves quickly to intercept, bringing the morningstar down heavily on Daemon's back, stunning him.

Cole then kicks Dark Sister away and stands over Daemon who finally gives up, causing
the crowd explodes in applause.

Legolas stands up clapping with exhilaration. "Whoohoo.......bravo!"

Geralt doesn't smile but smirks wickedly, he too is amazed that a Dornish knight was able to beat his uncle. Rheanyra and Alicent blush in glee.

King Viserys comes to his feet, laughing and clapping as did everyone in the royal box, all stood in ovation, showing their appreciation for Ser Criston's skills.

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